Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Do Now: We are ready to begin a drama: The Tragedy of Othello. What's your definition of drama?

Classwork: Drama and the Tragic Hero
1. Read Dramatic Structure section of this week's handout to define literary terms.
2. Read Tragedy: A Fatal Flaw and annotate the text for additional information on archetypal heroes.
Homework: Complete the reading questions for the sections we've covered in class.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Do Now: Prepare for laptops.
1. Today is a proofreading day. Read your essay carefully to spot errors you might have missed on Wednesday.
2. Create a graphic version of your essay on Comic Life. You'll find the program under APPLICATIONS if it is not included on the dock.
Have fun.
Homework: Make any final revisions to your essay before it is graded Sunday.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wednesday, October 23, 2012

Do Now: Prepare for laptops.
Classwork: Finish your essay by proofreading and adding an image from the Internet.
Visit to find a powerful opening or closing sentence for your essay.
Writers' Workshop - Show me your essay for final revisions and suggestions.
Finished your essay? Open Comic Life and have some fun making a comic book about your hero.  Extra Credit Opportunity!
Homework: Make sure your essay is perfect by tomorrow!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Do Now: Prepare for laptops. Put your essay on your desk.
Classwork: Wiki Project
This is the last day you will have to work on your essay in class. It will be graded on Thursday.
Make sure you have five paragraphs that follow the format from yesterday's handout.
Once you have completed the essay:
1. Proofread. Use spell check. Pay attention to red and green underlines. Be careful not to use texting language in this essay.
2. Your final task is to add a picture of your hero at the top of the page.
Be sure to save your work.
Homework: Complete the wiki project.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Do Now:  Are you having problems with your "Hero Essay"? Is there a section you need help with? Explain.
1. We will review the requirements of each part of the essay.
2. We will analyze a sample essay to determine if it meets the requirements.
3. You will evaluate your essay to determine if it meets the requirements. This is your opportunity to rework your essay either on your wiki or on the graphic organizer provided.

Remember your are not telling a story in this essay. You are analyzing a hero in terms of his traits and quest, his struggle, and the values and beliefs of his culture.

Homework: Tonight is your last opportunity to refine your essay. You will put the finishing touches on it tomorrow on your wiki.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Do Now: Put your essay on your desk. Take out your student ID and prepare for laptops.
Classwork: This is your first wiki project. Follow these directions to log on to your wiki.
You must be on Safari!
Go to to access the wiki.
Click "log on".
Your user name is your first name last name - ( all one word! Example: thomasjones)
Your password is your student ID.
Click on your name under your class. Your web page will open.
Press Edit to type your essay.
Your task:
 Create or describe an archetypal hero. What are the traits that prove he/she is a hero? Remember to include the quest and struggle in"hell".
Your project must include what your story reveals about your hero's culture.

This is a five paragraph essay! It must have an introduction and conclusion.
Homework: Continue working on your essay.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Do Now: What are the values and beliefs of your family? What are the beliefs and values of Overbrook?
Wiki project - Creating the hero is five paragraph format.
The introduction has three parts: 
1. Strong opening line, 
2. Preview, and a
3. Thesis statement
The Body: three main ideas of the essay.
1.Your hero's background and quest
2. Your hero's struggle in "hell" and the  result
3. How your hero's story reveals the beliefs and  values of his/her culture
The Conclusion has two parts:
1. A brief summary of the body
2. A strong closing line.
Your final draft is due tomorrow. No final draft? No laptop! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tuesday, October 16 , 2012

Do Now: Is Oscar Pistorius a hero. Why?
Review first Pistorius article by marking the major events in his athletic career.
Analyze article two for evidence of a quest and other traits of an archetypal hero.
Analyze what the story of Oscar Pisorius reveals about our culture.
Wiki project: Create or describe an archetypal hero. What are the traits that prove he/she is a hero. Remember to include the quest and struggle in"hell".
Your project must include what your story reveals about your hero's culture.
Homework: your rough draft of the project is due tomorrow.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Do Now: One of the functions of a myth is to explain the values and beliefs of a society. What does the myth of Baldur tell you about Norse culture? Use evidence from the myth to support your answer.
1. Essay revisited:
What did you feel were the most important differences between Greek and Norse myths?
What do these differences tell you about the beliefs and values of each culture?
2. Meet Oscar Pastorius - a modern day hero!

Does he possess the traits of an archetypal hero?
What does the article tell you about the beliefs and values of our society?
Homework: Your final draft of the essay is due Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Do Now: Does Hodur exhibit traits of an archetypal figure? Explain which ones you think apply.
Loki's punishment seems to resemble the Greek system of punishment.
Explain how Loki suffers at the end of the myth.
How does this myth reflect Norse beliefs and values?
Essay question:  How does this Norse legend differ from the Greek myth, Theseus?  Compare the differing views of life the Greek and Norse myths present. 
Plan of attack: 
1. Brainstorm possible answers to the question.
2. Organize your ideas into two or three headings.
3. Gather evidence from the texts to support your ideas. 
4. Outline the body of your essay.  
Homework: Write a rough draft of the body of your essay. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Do Now:  How does Loki ruin Frigga's plan to save Baldur's life?
 (5 lines 5 minutes)

Classwork: Baldur myth
Review  Frigga's dream, Hogur's horrible mistake and Loki's trickery.

Can Hogur be described as an archetypal hero? Look for evidence from the text that suggests he's got several of the charcteristics.

Loki gets his in the end and is responsible for the natural phenomenon of  thunder.
Homework: Finish the reading questions for this myth tonight. Do not answer the essay question

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Do Now: Take out your SAT vocabulary List. Write a context clue/scenario for two of the words in this list.
Classwork: Norse Mythology
1. Background Information - Handout.
2. Meet Baldur, Hogur, Odin, and Frigga
Baldur's terrible fate: 
The dream and Hodur's part in Baldur's doom.
The plan to counteract the dream.
Loki's interference.
Homework: Finish the myth and answer reading questions.
Write a scenario using 7 of this week's vocabulary words. (group 2)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Do Now: Select two words from the SAT List: Create a scenario / context clue for each word. Example: If you cut class, don't do homework, and sleep during class, you will _________ your opportunity to pass this class. Answer: ( hamper) We will share these with the class to review for the test.
Test Review - 
Greek Mythology - Informational text
Archetypal Hero - PowerPoint and handout
Theseus - Summary of the eight episodes.
Homework: Study for the test tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wenesday, October 3, 2012

Do Now: Theseus gets what he needs from Ariadne and then leaves her on Naxos. Did Theseus desert Ariadne? Why? Use evidence from the text to support your opinion.
1. What about the sails? Is this an honest mistake or retribution?
2. Theseus, King of Athens: Explain two events that illuminate Greek values.
3. "All you need is a ball of string".
Homework: Study for test on Theseus - Friday. The summary questions on your handout will guide you. SAT Vocabulary Group 1 is also included!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Do Now: School-wide initiative -  Grammar mini lesson. Correct the sentences on the board.
Classwork: Theseus and Ariadne
How does Ariadne save Theseus's life?
What bargain does he make with her?
What's your opinion concerning the controversy?
Theseus and Aegeus 
Black sail/ White sail confusion
Is Theseus responsible for Aegeus's death?
All's well that ends well
Is Theseus an archetypal hero? Why
Homework: Use 7 vocabulary words to create a scenario.