Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Do Now: Decide which statements are fact and which are opinion. How do you know?
Classwork: Keystone Prep: Informational text.
1. Important terms for analysis
2. Differentiate fact from opinion in "Save the Rainforests"

3. Analyze text organization.
4. Answer Multiple choice questions
5. CRQ review:
Understanding the terminology
Annotating the prompt and creating the first sentence.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Do Now: Review your handouts to prepare for today's test.
Classwork: Today's test is what you can expect to see on next Month's Keystone Exam.
1. Explanation of format and scoring.
2. Review Test-Taking Strategies.
3. Review CRQ Strategies.
Homework: Your handouts must be complete before we start the next series of informational text handouts.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Monday, April 22, 2013

Do Now: Review the two passages and Multiple Choice questions from Friday's class. If you haven't finished, now is the time! ( Great Expectations and Anansi myth ).
Classwork: Poetry and Fiction Prep
1. Test-taking strategies reviewed.
2. Check your answers with a partner. Be prepared to explain your choices to the class.
3. Select one of the CRQ's, create a plan, and write the first sentence of your answer.
Homework: Review your fiction and poetry handouts for a test tomorrow!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Friday, April 19, 2013

Do Now: Yesterday, you answered several multiple choice questions. Which answers aren't you willing to bet that you got right? List them. What do they have in common? Why aren't you sure of them?
Review the correct answers to "Goldfinches".
Read the next passages independently and answer the Multiple Choice questions using the strategies we've discussed in class.
Homework: Have a safe weekend.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Do Now: Write the definition of "metaphor" and create an example.
Classwork: Today you will work independently to complete a sample Keystone test passage. You will be reading a poem, answering Multiple Choice questions and answering a CRQ.

"Goldfinches"  by Mary Oliver
These images should help you identify the metaphors in the poem.

Thistles - the coins of reddish fire:

The hatchlings wake in the swaying branches,  in the silver baskets,
 Homework: Complete this handout. It will be graded tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Do Now: Read "Negotiations with a Volcano" on your handouts. Write a brief summary of the poem.
Analyze the tone, conflict, and setting of the poem.
Answer the Multiple Choice questions following test-taking strategies.
Answer the CRQ using our seven step plan
Homework: Make sure your handout is complete.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Tuesday, April 16, 2016

Do Now: What is the theme of "Ex-Basketball Player"? Do you agree with the author's message about life?
Classwork:  Keystone Poetry Prep
1. Ex-Basketball Player
Analyze the sentence structure and the author's use of figurative language.
Analyze the visual clues the author prompts the reader to imagine.
How do the poetic devices combine to reveal the author's theme.
2. Negotiations With a Volcano
What would it be like to live here - 

when this might happen...
 Analysis of irony, figurative language, tone, and additional poetic devices.
Homework: Re-read the poem and answer the Multiple Choice Questions.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Friday, April 12, 2013

Do Now: What do you picture yourself doing ten years from now from 9 to 5? Be specific.
Classwork: Keystone Prep: Poetry
1. Review poetic devices
2. "Ex-Basketball Player" - John Updyke

How does the poet use figurative language to establish his tone?
Contrast Flick Webb then and now.
Analyze form and theme.
Homework: Your packets will be graded tomorrow!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Wednesday, April 10, 2012

Do Now: CRQ: Based on the information you have read about Mr. Mallard, why do you think he is unaware of the news of his death? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.
Classwork:  "Story of an Hour"
Apply Multiple Choice Question strategies to the questions following this story.
Be prepared to explain why you chose your answers.
Homework: Be sure this handout is complete. It will be graded tomorrow.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Do Now: Why does the author describe what Mrs. Mallard sees from her window? What message is the author sending through tone?
Classwork: The Story of an Hour, continued.
1. Focus on the shifts in plot, characterization, and tone in the last half of the story.
2. Answer reading questions.
3. Answer Multiple Choice questions.
Homework: Review your notes on tone in this story to answer tomorrow's CRQ>

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Monday, April 8, 2013

Do Now:What is the difference between saying someone has "heart trouble" or "heart disease"? Why?
Classwork: The Story of an Hour
What can you infer about this woman from the picture?
We will be analyzing tone, setting, characterization, and theme.
The close reading questions are geared to illuminating
indirect characterization,
and author's purpose.
Homework: Be sure your handout is annotated, and questions are answered for the sections we've covered in class.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Friday, April 5, 2013

Do Now: Finish the Multiple Choice questions for "Lamb to the Slaughter". Would you be willing to bet $5.00 that you got them all right? Check your answers.
Classwork: "The Story of an Hour": Kate Chopin
1. Read the first section of the text and answer the reading questions.
2. Analyze characterization - Mrs. Mallard and Josephine
3. Analyze setting - why the description of the open window?
4. Analyze tone - How does the auhtor use language to express her opinion about Mrs. Mallard's reactions?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Do Now: What character traits can you infer for Mrs. Maloney based on her behavior after she kills her husband? Why? Cite evidence that proves your point.
Chronological organization -  evidence from the story
Characterization - direct and indirect
Is the story an example of irony? Why?
Multiple Choice Questions: Test-taking strategies.
Homework: Read the first excerpt of The Story of an Hour and answer reading questions.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Do Now: Re-read the opening scenes of the story paying close attention to Mr. Maloney's behavior.
Classwork: CRQ Day!
Annotate the prompt and create your first sentence.
Briefly create you plan including evidence that proves your inferences about Mr. Maloney.
Write your answer.
Underline your three pieces of evidence.
Have you included a statement that shows how each piece of evidence proves your point.
Proofread your answer and correct any grammatical error.
Homework: Finish reading the short story and answering reading questions. We will answer the Multiple Choice questions in class.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Do Now: Figurative Language Review: Identify the type of figurative language used in these sentences:

1.    In India, the guest is a jewel on a velvet pillow.

2.    His face turned bright red, sweat erupted on his brow, and tears ran from his eyes when he took a mouthful of the chicken.

3.     He could swallow the chicken in his mouth, but he would surely die, not to mention that he’d need a fire extinguisher for his throat.

4.    He didn’t want to be rude to the cook, so he moved the pieces of chicken around on his plate like checkers.
Classwork: Lamb to the Slaughter
1.Compare Mrs. Maloney's behavior with her husband's as he comes home from work.
2. Why does Mrs. Maloney become frightened?
3. Summarize the plot - chronological order.
Homework: Make sure the text is annotated and that you have answered the reading questions.