Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Do Now: What do you think of Lyons? Why?
Today is a review for tomorrow's test on Act 1, Scene 1.
Graphic Organizer. Use your notes and the book to find quotes that prove the inferences in the left hand column.
Act 1: Scene 2 - 
Troy is in a foul mood at the start of this scene:
The numbers,
The restaurant man
Meet Gabriel:
Homework: Study for test tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Do Now: Review the conversation with Death. What can you infer about Troy? Write a quote from the text that proves your point.
Meet Lyons:

1. How does Troy prove the devil exists? Why does he make up this story?
2. Why does Lyons say Troy has no right to try and change him?
3. Why does Troy have Rose give Lyons the money?
By the end of Scene 1, Troy has revealed important character traits through dialogue with Bono, Rose, and Lyons. List them and support them with evidence from the play.
Homework: Make sure your graphic organizer is complete. Quiz tomorrow!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Do Now: Troy fights a "little battle" in Scene 1. Explain. What is the issue? What does he hope to accomplish? Why? (p.2-3)
A. Create a 2 column graphic organizer that identifies characterization inferences and the textual evidence that supports your inference.
 Troy graphic organizer: What can you infer? - evidence from conversations 
1. Bono
2. Rose
3. Death
4. Lyons 

Meet Rose:

B. Film clip:
1. Troy explains his on-going battle with death. Watch for Rose's interpretation and what you can infer about her character.
2. Explain Troy's relationship with Lyons based on quotes from this section of the play.
Homework: Complete graphic organizer for this section of the play.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Do Now: Based on the Introduction to Fences, what have you learned about Troy Maxson? ( 5 lines, 5 minutes)
1. The setting
2. August Wilson's introduction to the play:
Contrast the life style and opportunities of European immigrants with that of the descendants of African slaves.
Why does the author call this period the time  before "the hot winds of change?
Why does he include information about the World Series in this historical perspective?
3. Meet Troy and Bono:

Analyze them in terms of their conversation. What inferences can you make based on evidence from the play?
Homework: Character Analysis: Summarize the conversation between Troy and Bono. What have you learned about each man? Quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Keystones are over and it's time to get back to classwork!
Do Now: What is the purpose of building a fence? Is a fence a symbol for a larger idea? Why? THINK!
Classwork: Today we begin August Wilson's Fences... (big drum roll)

1. Introduction - Lloyd Richards
The time, place, the author's purpose, and the characters that allow him to achieve his goal.
2. "The Setting": Draw what you believe the stage will look like based on theses paragraphs.
3. "The Play": August Wilson introduction to the historical and social background.
Homework: Make sure your reading questions are complete and text is annotated.