Monday, September 30, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Do Now: Does Theseus purposely leave Ariadne on Naxos? Support your opinion with evidence from the text.
Classwork: Theseus - the final episodes

1. The Ariadne controversy
2. The black sail/white sail controversy
3. Theseus as king
Think about it: Does Theseus meet the characteristics of an archetypal hero?
Prove your point with evidence from the text.
Homework: All reading questions for the myth will be graded tomorrow.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Monday September 30, 2013

Do Now: Explain the tribute that must be fulfilled every nine years in Athens.
Theseus and the Minotaur: Creating the Archetypal Hero

Meet the Minotaur - summarize his birth, the circumstances of the tribute and the Labyrinth.
How does Theseus become involved in this mess? Why? 
Homework: Finish reading "Theseus Steps Up" section and summarize the plot in your notebook. Focus on Ariadne and the black/white sail issue.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Do Now: Who is your favorite hero? ( think movies, television, sports, family, etc.) What are the traits that characterize him/her a hero?
Part 1.
Analyze the characters using evidence from the text to support your inference
Analyze the cultural norms that this myth reveals about Greek society.
Part 2. The Minotaur -
Analyze the plot and conflict inherent in this quest.
Analyze characterization - Theseus and Aegeus.
Homework: Reading questions must use evidence from the text to prove your point! Roots Test - 22 words.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Do Now: Take out your roots handout. Using the roots in the first two columns, what do you think the following words might mean?
1. chronological
2. vacate
3. congregation
4. photosensitive
5. induction
Roots - continued. 

Theseus: Part 1
1. Analyze Theseus in terms of the traits of an archetypal hero.
2. Analyze his character in terms of direct and indirect characterization.
3. Consider his relationship to Hercules and how this impacts his character.
Homework: Answer all reading questions for this section.
Quiz - 22 roots.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Do Now: Study your roots handout for a quiz.
1. Roots quiz
1. We are focusing today on informational text that provides background for Greek Mythology.

3.  PowerPoint link: The Archetypal Hero's Nine Traits.
For a copy of the handout click here.

1. Make sure you have annotated the text for background information and The Archetypal Hero.
2. Preview Part 1 of Theseus. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Do Now: Read the following sentences. Mark them true or false on your paper. Why? What is the important word in each sentence? Do not write the sentences.
1. The setting of the “The Storyteller” focuses on three children and two adults sitting in a train compartment in England during the winter of 1890.
2.  Bertha is a symbol for children who are raised with little discipline.
3. Cyril continually sings “On the Road to Mandalay” while his sister thumps a cushion.

1. Roots and Affixes - List 1
Welcome to Greek Mythology!
2. We are focusing today on informational text that provides background.

3.  PowerPoint link: The Archetypal Hero's Nine Traits.
For a copy of the handout click here.

1. Make sure you have annotated the text for background information and The Archetypal Hero.
2. Study the first 15 roots for a quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Do Now: Why does Saki include two frame stories in this short story? What is his purpose?
Review for tomorrow's test.
Review vocabulary and literary terms.
     List words from the story we have defined in class.
     Create scenarios using groups of words in a paragraph.
Handout check.
Homework: Study for test! Your handouts and answers to reading questions are your guide to an A.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Do Now: Review The Storyteller for a quiz.
Classwork: The Storyteller- final section.
1. Quiz
2. What is the children's reaction to this story. Compare it to their reaction to the aunt's story.
3. What is the aunt's reaction to the story? Why?
4. Why is the bachelor so pleased with himself?
5. What/Who is the object of Saki's ridicule in this satire? You'll need  to step away from the frame stories, now. Think of author's purpose.

Homework: Study all vocabulary from this story to prepare for Friday's test! Answer the essay question on page 5 of your handout.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Do Now: Summarize the plot of the bachelor's story. Why is Bertha eaten by the wolf?

Classwork: The Storyteller: Irony!
1. Definition of terms: Irony, Satire, Indirect Characterization
2. Review the key incidents in the bachelor's story.
3. What are Bertha's medals meant to reward?
4. What is the climax of the bachelor's story?
5. Why is this story ironic?
6. Is Bertha a victim of her goodness?
Homework: Finish all reading questions for this story! Handout check ( 100 points)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

 Do Now: Describe the three children, the aunt, and the bachelor. Why is the combination of personalities plus the setting itself bound to lead to an annoying situation? ( at least 5 lines )
Classwork: The Storyteller

1. We return to the railway compartment today to analyze the aunt's story and the children's reaction to it. We'll be looking at plot, imagery, and characterization.
2.  Next, we'll analyze the bachelor's story in terms of the same criteria. How are they alike? How are they different?
3. We'll step outside the frame story to analyze the character of the bachelor and of the aunt.
Make sure your reading questions are answered for these sections using evidence from the text! 
Did you email me using your gmail account?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Do Now: Journal entry. Create a scenario using these three vocabulary words:  assail, retort, and deplorable.
Classwork: The Storyteller, continued
We will be analyzing the setting and characterization of the first four sections of the story to infer tone and author's purpose.
1. Why does the author tell us that Templecombe, the next stop, is nearly an hour ahead? Can you make a prediction based on this information? 
2. What can you infer about  the bachelor based on direct and indirect characterization? About the aunt?
3. Why do the children respond negatively to the aunt's story?
Answer all reading questions for the sections we have covered in class. Use evidence from the text to support your answers.
Quiz Monday

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Do Now: (Journal) What were your favorite stories as a child? What was it about them that you loved? 5 lines/5 minutes

Classwork: The Storyteller by Saki
 Section 1: 
Analyzing evidence from the text that illuminates setting and characterization.
Using evidence from the text and personal experience to make good inferences.
Section 2:
It's all about indirect characterization and the inferences that can be made.
Section 3: The first frame story.
Evaluate the aunt's story as well as the reactions to it.
1. Finish the reading questions for the first three sections of The Storyteller. ( 20 points)
2. Reminder: Open a gmail account and email me by Friday! Be sure to include your class period in the email.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Do Now: ( Journal Entry) Today is the twelfth anniversary of September 11, 2001. How has this event affected our country, your friends and family, and/or you?

1. Binder check
2. We will begin Saki's The Storyteller included in your handout.
The focus is on literary terms, vocabulary from the text, and setting.
Answer the five vocabulary 'scenario' questions that were displayed on the board during class.
Open a gmail account and email me by Friday!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Do Now: " Be yourself. Everyone else is taken." Do you agree? Why?
                   ( 5 lines minimum - 5 minutes)
The Day the Crayons Quit: Personification Project
Your task is to analyze this clever children's book in terms of conflict,  characterization, and tone. Your first project will be to create a similar analysis of a group of inanimate objects that you have selected.
Homework: Be prepared with binder, paper, and pens tomorrow. Rough draft of personification project due tomorrow.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Do Now: Fill out 3x5 card:
      Parent/Guardian Name and phone number
      Complete this sentence:
           Last year in English, I ...
Overview of English 2: Expectations - yours and mine, Survival Tools.
The Day the Crayons Quit: Personification Project
Your task is to analyze this clever children's book in terms of conflict,  characterization, and tone. Your first project will be to create a similar analysis of a group of inanimate objects that you have selected.

Homework: Be prepared with binder, paper, and pens tomorrow. Rough draft of personification project due tomorrow.