Thursday, February 27, 2014

Friday. February 28, 2014

Do Now: Prefix Test - Review your handout.
Classwork: To Kill A Mockingbird
Compare/contrast Mayella's testimony in the movie vs. the book.
    Consider what is omitted as well as what you learn from body language.

Atticus calls Tom Robinson to testify. - Movie versus novel.
Homework: Enjoy the weekend.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Do Now: Review for Prefix test.
Classwork: The trial continued
Bob Ewell's testimony:
1. Evidence
2. characterization

Mayella Ewell's testimony
1. the events from her perspective
2. characterization
Homework: Continue creating your timeline of the trial proceedings.

Monday, February 24, 2014

Tuesday, February 24, 2014

Do Now: CRQ - Analyze the author's tone in the Ewell property excerpt. Include three pieces of evidence from the text that support your opinion.

Classwork: To Kill A Mockingbird - The Trial
 Create a time line of evidence that is revealed as Atticus questions each witness.

1. Sheriff Heck Tate describes the situation and charges.

2. Bob Ewell takes the stand:
Analyze his behavior and personality traits as he is questioned.
3. Summarize the loopholes in the case against Tom Robinson to this point.
Homework: Analyze the character of Atticus Finch and Bob Ewell in the courtroom.

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Monday, February 23, 2014

Do Now: Review the description of the Ewell's property and life-style on your handouts.

Classwork: Close reading of this excerpt.
1. Which descriptions of the property are the most vivid?
2. Identify the author's tone as she describes the Ewell family and their activities.
3. CRQ: Analyze the author's tone in this excerpt. Include three pieces of evidence from the text that support your opinion.
Homework: Complete Handout 5 for grading tomorrow.
Prefix quiz.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Do Now: Prefix quiz - Review your handouts.
1. Review for test tomorrow.
2. Review Constructed Response Questions format and tips for success.
3. Sample CRQ.
How does racial prejudice impact the black community as well as the white community in Maycomb? Include three pieces of evidence from the text that support your answer.
Homework: Test tomorrow!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Do Now: Review your Roots handout for test.
Classwork: Handout 5: To Kill A Mockingbird

1. How does Calpurnia handle racial prejudice among the Black community? Why does Harper Lee include this episode?
2. Aunt Alexandra symbolizes the ideals of Southern womanhood in the 1930's. Explain how she might 'cross swords' with Calpurnia .
Homework: Answer reading questions for these sections and read excerpt 4.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Monday, February 10,2014

Do Now: Uncle Jack buys Jem and Scout air-rifles for Christmas. Atticus warns them that it is a sin to kill a mockingbird. Read Miss Maudie's explanation to help you figure out why.

Classwork: Symbolism in the novel
1.Bird references:
Predict why Harper Lee chose this title.
The Finch family:
2. Guns
3. Chapter 10 involves both of these symbols as well as the recurring motif of good versus evil:
    Jem's view of Atticus
    Atticus' perspective on guns
    Tim Johnson episode
Homework: Annotate and answer reading questions for the sections we have covered in class. Review your Roots handout for a quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Do Now: Why does Nathan Radley say he cemented the knothole in the tree? Why do you think he cemented the hole? Support your opinion with evidence from the text.
1. Compare Scout and Jem's reactions to the plugging up of the knot-hole.
2. Take a closer look at Atticus Finch - Chapter 10:
Scout defends her father against racist remarks.
Why is he defending Tom Robinson?
Why is he concerned about Scout?
Homework: Finish all reading questions for Chapter 9

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Monday, February 3, 2014

Do Now: List the things that Jem and Scout find in the tree on the Radley property?
Classwork:  Boo becomes a three-dimensional character in these chapters.
We will be analyzing  additional evidence from the novel that sheds more light on Boo.
Chapter 4
1. Gifts in the tree.
2. The tire incident
3. Miss Maudie's interpretation of Boo.
Try walking in Boo's shoes:
1. How do the carved figures in the knothole illuminate Boo's character?
2. There are several more gifts left for Jem and Scout. What do they tell you about Boo?
3. Create a brief biography explaining Boo's life before and after the Cunningham  incident.
Homework: Finish all reading questions for today's excerpts. Be sure to include evidence from the text in your answers!