Sunday, August 26, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Welcome to 10th grade English Honors!

An exciting and challenging year awaits you.

1. The syllabus: class requirements and procedures.
2. Class websites: 
Our blog keeps you up to date with classwork and assignments as well as links to handouts.
Our wiki is your online portfolio. Each student has a password protected workspace.
3. Your first project: Who Am I Poem - complete the prompts to create an analysis of your character. See the wiki for complete directions. Click here for the assignment.
I am ( 2 special characteristics you have)
I wonder ...
I hear...
I see...
I want...
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

I pretend...
I feel...
I touch...
I worry...
I cry...
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

I understand...
I say...
I dream...
I try...
I hope
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)
1. Your free verse poem is due Monday by the beginning of class. ( 100 points )
2. You are expected to have a 3 ring binder and pen  by Monday.