Saturday, November 30, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Do Now: Paraphrase quotes to understand how Iago further plots against Othello
Classwork: Othello Act 4
1. Othello overhears Cassio belittling Bianca and believes he speaks of DEsdemona
2. Iago steers Othello back on course as he begins to waiver.
3. Lodovico witness the astounding change in Othello.
4. Desdemona tries to understand Othello's rage.
Homework: Annotate text  - handouts and play. Read Emilia. Desdemona, and Iago's conversation and answer reading questions.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Do Now: What is your favorite part of Act 3? Why? Is there a quote you like?
Classwork: Othello Act 4
1. Review the Iago's six step plan to ruin Othello - Movie.
2. Sustained Silent Reading: Act 4, Scene 1

Iago continues to poison Othello's mind with vulgarity.
His soliloquy on Page 63 explains the next part of his plan.
Cassio talks trash about Bianca, but Othello is led to believe he is talking about Desdemona.
Homework: Keep reading! You might try to finish the play over the long weekend.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Do Now: Quiz: Summarize each step and Othello's reaction.
Classwork: It's all about the handkerchief
Desdemona lies.
Othello has his proof
Desdemona pleads Cassio's case while Othello presses her about the handkerchief.
Who's Bianca and what's she got to do with all this?
Homework: Review Act 3

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Do Now: Why is Othello so quick to believe that Desdemona is cheating on him? Add to your list of ways Iago convinces him. Re-read this section of the play.
Classwork: Othello Act III
1. How does the handkerchief add to proof against Desdemona?
2. Iago's dream convinces Othello Desdemona is guilty. Why?
3. Iago plants another seed:
Homework: Re-read Act III, Scene 3. Quiz tomorrow.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Do Now: You have seen  several ways that Iago begins to make Othello believe Desdemona is cheating on him. Explain at least two ways.
Classwork: Othello Act 3
1. Othello's soliloquy proves Iago has triggered the green eyed monster.
2. Unfortunately, Desdemona drops a special handkerchief Othello gave her. Emilia finds it and says she'll give it to Iago.
Movie time: Watch Iago in action as well as Othello's pain.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Do Now: If your good friend tells you he has suspicions that your "honey" is cheating on you, would you believe your friend? Why?
Classwork: Othello - Act 3

Iago begins a six step plan to destroy Othello's marriage and life.
Step 1. Iago plants the first seed of suspicion.
Step 2. Iago hints that Cassio is not an honest man and that Desdemona may have been unfaithful. He warns Othello that jealousy can destroy a man.
Watch Iago in action; he is the king of manipulation.
Homework: Re-read this scene and answer questions on your handout.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Do Now:Why does Iago keep going with his treachery even though Cassio has been fired?
Classwork: The focus is on Iago:
Analyze his four soliloquies.
Summarize the key points of each soliloquy.
How does he develop his plan?
How does he reveal his evil character?
Homework: Study for test on Act 2 on Wednesday.
Re-read and be sure to review your handouts.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Friday, November 14, 2013

Do Now: Summarize how Iago orchestrated the drunken brawl that led to Cassio being fired.

Classwork: Othello - Act 2, Scene 3
Congratulations Iago! Cassio has been fired; the plan was a success!
1. Compare Cassio's speech about reputation with Iago's. (Cassio acts as a foil here.)
2. Stage 2 of Iago's master plan is put into place.
3. Roderigo is again manipulated to remain Iago's puppet.'
4. Time for another soliloquy...
Homework: Finish Act 2 handout and begin studying for the test next week.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Do Now: Prove that Iago is malicious as well as 'insane' by citing at least
three pieces of evidence from his soliloquies.

Classwork: Othello - Act II, Scene 3
Film clips
1.How does Iago take advantage of Cassio's confession that he can't handle more than one cup of wine?
2. Is his plan to "displant" Cassio effective?
3. What action does Othello take/
4. Compare Cassio's view on reputation to Iago's view.
5. How is Iago's plan tweaked to become even more malicious.
Homework: Review these episodes in the play. Read and annotate.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Do Now: Iago tells Roderigo that Desdemona will definitely fall for Cassio for three reasons. Review this conversation and list the three reasons.
P. 26-27

Today we examine Iago's two-faced, evil nature and more astounding revelations about this villain.
Poor, unaware Cassio! Does he stand a chance against Iago?
Movie clips: The drunken brawl.
Homework: Answer reading questions. Re-read sections we've covered in class.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Tuesday, Novemer 12, 2013

Do Now: Summarize Iago's plan to seek revenge at the end of Act 1. Will it work? Why?
Classwork:  Othello, Act 2
The play is now set in Cyprus. Cassio and Iago have had a conversation about women with Desdemona. Iago observes Cassio innocently hold Desdemona's hand. Othello enters; he and Desdemona leave the stage to share some private time.
Read and annotate summary of the opening scenes on your handout.
We begin reading  Iago's speech at the bottom of page 26.
Annotate the text: Read and re-read. Use you margins to paraphrase
1. How does Iago set Roderigo up to help destroy Cassio?
2. Why is Roderigo so easy to manipulate.
Use evidence from the text to support your answers
Homework: Skim the opening scene of this act to answer reading questions
Answer the first three reading questions for the dialogue covered in class.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Do Now: Review your handouts for the test on Act 1.
Classwork: Test.
Be sure to read the questions carefully.
The short answer questions ask you to identify the speaker, explain the quote, and why the quote is important. 
Support your answer to the essay question with evidence from the text.
Homework: Enjoy the long weekend. Read Act 2. It's fun!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Do Now: Re-read Iago's soliloquy on  Page 20. What does he truly feel about Roderigo? About Othello? How will he use Cassio in his plan to seek revenge?
Classwork: Othello, Act 1.
1. Review for tomorrow's test:
Be able to define key terms.
Summarize the plot.
Paraphrase and explain the significance of key quotes from the play.
2. Movie - Act 1.
How does the movie differ from the play?
Which does a better job with characterization? Why?
Homework: Study your handouts. Make sure you can answer all reading questions. Briefly re-read your annotations in the text to review key episodes.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Monday, Novemeber 4, 2013

Do Now: Brabantio says the following quote. What does it mean? Why would he say it?
"Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see:
She has deceived her father, and may thee."

Classwork: Othello - final interactions of Scene 3
1. Desdemona explains her position to her father. She has  an internal conflict. How does she handle it?
2. Brabantio leaves Othello with a word of advice and a warning! Is he justified?
3. Roderigo threatens to drown himself once he realizes he has lost Desdemona. How does Iago manipulate him into paying him even more money?
4. Iago's soliloquy reveals fine-tuning of his plan to seek revenge on both Cassion and Othello.
Homework: Re-read Scene 3 to summarize the action.
Test on Friday. Review your handouts and your margin notes.