Sunday, September 30, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Do Now: Why does Aegeus want to poison Theseus? What role does Medea play in this? Why?
Classwork: Theseus and the Minotaur: Creating the Archetypal Hero
Meet the Minotaur - summarize his birth, the circumstances of the tribute and the Labyrinth.
How does Theseus become involved in this mess? Why? 
Homework: Finish reading "Theseus Steps Up" section and summarize the plot in your notebook. Focus on Ariadne and the black/white sail issue.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Do Now: Review your roots and affixes for the test.
Classwork: Test
Theseus and archetypal traits continued.
Homework: Read ahead to meet the Minotaur and the second test for Theseus.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Do now: Quiz -  Roots and affixes

Theseus is re-united with his father: Focus on direct and indirect characterization and plot.
1. The trip to Athens
2. Aegeus's jealousy combined with Medea's duplicity
3. Evidence from the text that supports Theseus as a archetypal hero.
4. Introduction to the quest and the Minotaur.
Homework: Finish reading questions for Part 1.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Do Now: Take out this week's vocabulary handout and your homework. Based on the roots and affixes list, what do you think the following words might mean?
1. polygamist
2. thermodynamics
3. incredible
4. geology
5. circumnavigation
6. benediction

1. We will continue with the character traits of archetypal heroes.
2. The Myth of Theseus: Part 1
Under what conditions was Theseus raised?
What is the first sign that he's going to take the hard road?
Homework: Make sure your reading questions for this section are complete. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Do Now: Journal - Who is your favorite hero? Consider sports, movies, politics,etc. What character traits make this person a hero? 5 lines/ 5 minutes
1. SAT Vocabulary List and Roots and Affixes - List 1
Welcome to Greek Mythology!
2. We are focusing today on informational text that provides background.
3.  PowerPoint link: The Archetypal Hero's Nine Traits.
For a copy of the handout click here.

1. Make sure you have annotated the text for background information and The Archetypal Hero.
2. Use the first group of  SAT words to create a scenario that uses at least 7 of the words correctly. Hint: Choose words that have something in common.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Do now: Journal - Who is made to look the most foolish in The Storyteller? What evidence from the text supports your answer.
( 5 lines, 5 minutes)
1. Satire: Saki's purpose in this story is to make fun of a group of people. WHO?
Solving the mystery:
 Who is made to look the most foolish in the story?
What is ironic about Bertha being the one to be killed by a wolf?
What is Bertha a symbol of?
What is the aunt a symbol of?
2. Vocabulary review for tomorrow's test.
Homework: Test tomorrow! Study your margin notes and reading questions. You are responsible for the 10 literary terms as well as vocabulary from the story.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Do Now: (Journal) The Storyteller is a frame story, in which one or more stories are told within each other. Briefly summarize the plot of the aunt's frame story and the bachelor's frame story.
1. Today's Literary Terms: irony, symbolism, theme, author's purpose
2. Critical thinking questions:
What is Saki's purpose in using irony in the bachelor's story?
How does Saki use symbolism and irony to help you to understand the theme of his short story?
This story is a satire. Who or what is Saki ridiculing? 
1. Write a brief paragraph explaining the theme of the bachelor's story. Use evidence from the story to support your choice of theme. 
Test Friday -"The Storyteller" and this week's vocabulary!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Do Now: ( Journal) How much do you remember? 
What is the setting of "The Storyteller"? Describe the character of the children and the aunt. Why does the aunt tell the children a story? What's it about? What do you know about the  bachelor?


1. We return to the railway compartment today to analyze the aunt's story and the children's reaction to it. We'll be looking at plot, imagery, and characterization.
2.  Next, we'll analyze the bachelor's story in terms of the same criteria. How are they alike? How are they different?
3. We'll step outside the frame story to analyze the character of the bachelor and of the aunt.
Make sure your reading questions are answered for these sections using evidence from the text!
Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Do Now: Take everything off your desks but a pencil/pen and this week's handout.
Classwork: Today is testing. Your task is to show me what you know. Do your best!
Homework: Read the bachelor's story. Why do the children like this story better? ( One paragraph)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Do Now: (Journal) What were your favorite stories as a child? What was it about them that you loved? 5 lines/5 minutes
Classwork: The Storyteller by Saki
 Section 1: 
Analyzing evidence from the text that illuminates setting and characterization.
Using evidence from the text and personal experience to make good inferences.
Section 2:
It's all about indirect characterization and the inferences that can be made.
Section 3: The first frame story.
Evaluate the aunt's story as well as the reactions to it.
1. Finish the reading questions for the first three sections of The Storyteller. ( 20 points)
2. Reminder: Email me by Thursday if you haven't already done so.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tuesday, September 11. 2012

Do Now: ( Journal Entry) “How has your life changed because of September 11, 2001?”

1. Notebook check 
2. Today we will continue annotating (or marking) the informational text A National Problem.
3. We will begin Saki's The Storyteller included in your handout.
The focus is on vocabulary and setting.
1. Make sure your answers to the reading questions for the first section are complete and include evidence from the text.
2. Remember to open email and email me by tomorrow!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Do Now: (Journal entry) Reading is difficult for many high school students. What problems can result for the student and our country?
 ( 5 lines, 5 minutes  Do not use lower case i to refer to yourself!)
Classwork:  A National Problem
1. This text is on page 1 of your first handout. The handout includes the texts we will study this week. If you misplace the handout, you are responsible for printing another copy. CLICK HERE FOR THE HANDOUT.

2. Today you will learn to annotate or mark the text as you read. Follow directions carefully.
3. Be sure to answer all reading questions using evidence from the text.
1. Open an email account that includes your first and last name. Email me by Thursday. My email address is on your syllabus. ( 50 points )
2. You must have your binder by tomorrow to receive 50 points.