Sunday, September 9, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Do Now: (Journal entry) Reading is difficult for many high school students. What problems can result for the student and our country?
 ( 5 lines, 5 minutes  Do not use lower case i to refer to yourself!)
Classwork:  A National Problem
1. This text is on page 1 of your first handout. The handout includes the texts we will study this week. If you misplace the handout, you are responsible for printing another copy. CLICK HERE FOR THE HANDOUT.

2. Today you will learn to annotate or mark the text as you read. Follow directions carefully.
3. Be sure to answer all reading questions using evidence from the text.
1. Open an email account that includes your first and last name. Email me by Thursday. My email address is on your syllabus. ( 50 points )
2. You must have your binder by tomorrow to receive 50 points.

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