Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Do Now: Prepare for laptops. Put your rough draft on your desk along with any handouts you may need for quotations. If you are not prepared, keep working on your rough draft.
Wiki project:
Your task to day is to create your wiki page and prepare your theme analysis for presentaion.
The assignment:
Select two of the five themes of To Kill A Mockingbird.
For each theme you will explain the theme, prove how Scout and Jem learn the life lesson by using examples from the novel, and show how learning this lesson has changed them.
Log on Directions:
Open Safari and go to
Log on - User name:first name last name ( one word); password: Student ID
Click on your name on the Home Page.
Create a page: Title your page -  your initials TKAM
Make sure to put your page in your folder!
You are now ready to begin analyzing the themes.
Homework: This project is due tomorrow by the end of class! Work on it tonight.

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