Thursday, October 31, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Do Now: Re-read Othello's account of how he won Desdemona's love on P.13. What made Desdemona fall in love with him?
Classwork: Othello, Scene 3
1. Iago's orginal plan backfires when Othello refuses to fight Brabantio,
2. What is the Duke's response to Othello's story?
3. Desdemona testifies her love.
4. Why does Brabantio say
"For your sake, jewel, I am glad at soul I have no other child"
Homework: Finish Act I. Annotate the text!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Do Now: Why does Brabantio believe his daughter must have had a spell put on her?
Classwork: Today we meet Othello and Desdemona

1. How does Othello handle Brabantio's anger?
2. Othello tells his side of the story to the Duke. What have you learned about him?
3. Desdemona testifies to her love for Othello. How does she handle Brabantio?
4. What is Brabantio's reaction?
Homework: Re-read this scene. Answer your reading questions.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Do Now: Take out your prefixes and roots handouts. What do you think the following words probably mean or have something to do with? Use your handouts to help you. Check your answers with your partner.
1. infidelity        4. congregate
2. synchronize   5. translucent
3. desensitize
Classwork: Othello, Act 1, Scenes 1 and 2.
1. Explain why Iago says
Farewell; for I must leave you:
It seems not meet, nor wholesome to my place,
To be produced--as, if I stay, I shall--
Against the Moor

2. Explain Brabantio's reaction when he discovers that Desdemona is gone.

3. Today we will finally meet Othello.
Analyze his character based on his interactions with Iago and Brabantio.
Homework: Re-read Scene 1 and finish 2. The more you read the dialogue, the easier it is to understand. Answer reading questions on your handout.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Do Now: Review your prefix handout for the quiz in 5 minutes.
Classwork: Othello, Act I, Scenes 1 and 2
1. After some racial and sexual slurs, Brabantio reacts to his daughter's elopement:
"Fathers, from hence trust not your daughters' minds By what you see them act. Is there not charms By which the property of youth and maidhood May be abused" 
2. Why does Iago leave Roderigo alone to handle Brabantio?

3. Today we will finally meet Othello and hear his version of his marriage to Desdemona.
After reading this scene, write a character analysis of Iago, Brabantio, and Othello.
Homework: Be sure the answers to the first 8 reading questions on your handout are complete.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Do Now: Prefix chart: Write a word that begins with each prefix on your sheet.
Classwork: Othello, Act I
1. Videos to review the opening conflicts:

 2. Iago explains how he will act with Othello now that he has been "disrespected". "In following him, I follow but myself...I am not what I am!"
Meet Brabantio!
Iago and Roderigo go to Desdemona's house. What do you think is going on in the following quote:
What ho, Brabantio! Awake! Theives! Theives!  Look to your house, your daughter and your bags! Theives! Theives!

 Iago and Roderigo put their plan in action. 
Prepare yourself. The images and language they use are graphic and disgusting! Why? 
Will Brabantio take the bait? 
Why does Iago leave the scene?
Homework: Read to the end of this scene and answer the reading questions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Do Now: What do you think this quote from Othello means: "We cannot all be masters, nor all masters cannot be truly follow'd."  Describe a situation when all masters may not be truly followed.
Try another:

"Thou told'st me thou didst hold him in thy hate."
Classwork: Welcome to Shakespeare's Othello!

Act 1, Scene 1.
Meet Iago and Roderigo: Both men have a grievance against The Moor which sets the plot in motion.

We will analyze each man's character, how they plan to seek revenge, and the tactics they use.
Homework: Answer the  reading questions on your handout for the dialogue we have read in class.
Finish reading Scene 1.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Do Now: What are the traits of a tragic hero? You need 4-5 characteristics of this type of protagonist.
Classwork: Introduction to Othello, continued.

1. How To Read Shakespeare
2. The Language
3. Sample verses to paraphrase
4. John Branyan : The Three Little Pigs according to Shakespeare

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Do Now: Just for fun - Summarize the plot of "The Three Little Pigs".

Classwork: Introduction to Othello, continued.
1. Elizabethan Culture
2. How To Read Shakespeare
3. The Language
5. John Branyan : The Three Little Pigs according to Shakespeare
Homework: Paraphrase Triune Tale of Diminutive Swine

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

Do Now: We are ready to begin a Shakespearean drama: The Tragedy of Othello. What's your definition of drama?

Classwork: Drama and the Tragic Hero
1. Read Dramatic Structure section of this week's handout to define literary terms.
2. Read Tragedy: A Fatal Flaw and annotate the text for additional information on archetypal heroes.
Annotate the text for main ideas and definitions
Homework: Complete the reading questions for the sections we've covered in class.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Do Now: Prepare for laptops.
Classwork: Hero essay
1. Put finishing touches on your essay. All five paragraphs must be complete and ready to be edited and revised.
2. Use Spell Check on your wiki. Be sure to check the online dictionary for correct spelling.
3. Grammar check is up to you. Look for incorrectly used punctuation, texting, and subject/verb agreement errors.
4. Add a photo of your hero from the internet.
5. Final opportunity to revise and edit.
Homework: Complete these steps before 9 P.M.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Do Now: Prepare for laptops.
Classwork: Wiki project
Log in to your wiki and continue your essay focusing on:
1. expanding evidence that proves your hero possesses archetypal traits
2. building a strong introduction that provides background information and a "hook"
3. Creating a strong conclusion with a brief summary and strong last line
4. Visit for a quotation that might serve as a strong opening or closing line.
5. Downloading an appropriate picture of your hero from the internet
6. Editing and revising your essay
Homework: Put the finishing touches on your wiki. It will be graded after 10 this evening,

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Do Now: Clear your desks of everything but your draft of the Hero essay. Prepare for laptops.
Classwork: Hero Essay
1. Laptop rules reviewed
2. Wiki directions:
            Log in and opening a workspace
3. Requirements of the essay:
          Introduction - strong opening, background, and thesis
          Body - three paragraphs that prove your hero possesses archetypal hero traits.
          Conclusion - summary/thesis statement, strong closing
4. Visit for a quotation that might serve as a strong opening or closing line.
Homework: Work on your wiki. It must be completed by the end of tomorrow's class.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thursday - Friday, October 10 and 11, 2013

Do Now: Are you having trouble with your rough draft? How about the thesis? Are you prepared?
Classwork:  Writers' Workshop
Creating a powerful introduction:
    Strong opening first line/s
    Background information
    Thesis statement
Creating a lasting impression with the conclusion
    Summary - return to your thesis
    Strong closing sentence
Homework: Your completed draft is due tomorrow. No final draft - no laptop!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Do Now: Review for Roots Test.
Classwork: The Hero Essay - Steps for Success.
Start with the Body.
Brainstorm possible archetypal characteristics
Narrow your choices.
Develop each characteristic with supporting ideas and evidence
Outline the main headings of the body.
Next, The Introduction:
Focus - the thesis statement
Suggestions for strong opening lines
Homework: The rough draft of your Body and a working thesis are due tomorrow. BE PREPARED!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Do Now: Take out your Roots list. Use your chart to help you arrive at a possible meaning for the following words:
transcribe            videographer
jurisdiction          telecommunications
benevolent           fidelity
Pistorius - Article #3: The allegations and evidence. 
Discussion: Does our society put undo pressure on male athletes and/or heroes? Does male stereotyping lead to problems?
Hero Essay - The requirements and steps for success.
Today's focus is on the body of this essay. 
Homework: Roots test tomorrow. Rough draft of body due!


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Do Now:Our society is filled with contemporary heroes. Which hero interests you? Why? (Think politics, history, super heroes, sports, entertainment, armed forces, etc)
Meet Oscar Pistorius - a modern day hero? 

Watch the film and read the newspaper articles.
Does he possess the traits of an archetypal hero?
What does the article tell you about the beliefs and values of our society?
Homework: Finish all  reading questions for the first two articles. Study for roots test tomorrow.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Do Now: Review your handout and study notes for today's test!
Classwork: Test: Theseus
Directions - Read the questions carefully.
Use the space provided for your answers to the multiple choice questions.
Answer the entire question for short answer questions!
Homework: Enjoy the weekend

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Do Now: Tomorrow is a test on Theseus. How will you prepare for it? Be specific.
Review for Theseus Test:
Meet Oscar Pistorius - a modern day hero?

Watch the film and read the newspaper articles.
Does he possess the traits of an archetypal hero?
What does the article tell you about the beliefs and values of our society?
Homework: Theseus test tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Do Now: What have you learned about Greek cultural values based on the myth of Theseus? Explain at least two.
Classwork: Theseus
1. Is Theseus an archetypal hero? Working with a partner, summarize the eight episodes of the myth. How do these episodes correspond to the characteristics of an archetypal hero on the first page of your handout?
2. Ariadne's Thread - Interview: - Free write.
Homework: Complete Ariadne's Thread