Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Do Now: Take out your prefixes and roots handouts. What do you think the following words probably mean or have something to do with? Use your handouts to help you. Check your answers with your partner.
1. infidelity        4. congregate
2. synchronize   5. translucent
3. desensitize
Classwork: Othello, Act 1, Scenes 1 and 2.
1. Explain why Iago says
Farewell; for I must leave you:
It seems not meet, nor wholesome to my place,
To be produced--as, if I stay, I shall--
Against the Moor

2. Explain Brabantio's reaction when he discovers that Desdemona is gone.

3. Today we will finally meet Othello.
Analyze his character based on his interactions with Iago and Brabantio.
Homework: Re-read Scene 1 and finish 2. The more you read the dialogue, the easier it is to understand. Answer reading questions on your handout.

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