Sunday, November 3, 2013

Monday, Novemeber 4, 2013

Do Now: Brabantio says the following quote. What does it mean? Why would he say it?
"Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see:
She has deceived her father, and may thee."

Classwork: Othello - final interactions of Scene 3
1. Desdemona explains her position to her father. She has  an internal conflict. How does she handle it?
2. Brabantio leaves Othello with a word of advice and a warning! Is he justified?
3. Roderigo threatens to drown himself once he realizes he has lost Desdemona. How does Iago manipulate him into paying him even more money?
4. Iago's soliloquy reveals fine-tuning of his plan to seek revenge on both Cassion and Othello.
Homework: Re-read Scene 3 to summarize the action.
Test on Friday. Review your handouts and your margin notes.

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