Sunday, March 31, 2013

Monday, April 1, 2013

Do Now: Describe your favorite room including how it looks at a specific time of day. Think about the words you will use to express your attitude about this room. Set a mood for your reader.

Classwork: KEYSTONE EXAM FOCUS: Fiction
Review of terms: theme, characterization, mood, tone, conflict, foreshadowing, plot...
"Lamb to the Slaughter" by Roald Dahl
1. How does the setting of this room convey the author's tone, mood?
2. Concentrate on inferences and characterization as you read the first two excerpts.
3.  What can you infer about Mrs. Maloney? Mr. Maloney? Why?
Homework: Answer reading questions forr these excerpts.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Friday, March 22, 2013

Do Now: Prepare for laptops.
Classwork: Wiki
Make sure your analysis include quotes that prove your point in each section.
Add your photos today.
Be sure to proofread. Grammar and spelling count.
This project is due today!
Homework: Enjoy the break!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Do Now: Prepare for laptops. Put your rough draft on your desk along with any handouts you may need for quotations. If you are not prepared, keep working on your rough draft.
Wiki project:
Your task to day is to create your wiki page and prepare your theme analysis for presentaion.
The assignment:
Select two of the five themes of To Kill A Mockingbird.
For each theme you will explain the theme, prove how Scout and Jem learn the life lesson by using examples from the novel, and show how learning this lesson has changed them.
Log on Directions:
Open Safari and go to
Log on - User name:first name last name ( one word); password: Student ID
Click on your name on the Home Page.
Create a page: Title your page -  your initials TKAM
Make sure to put your page in your folder!
You are now ready to begin analyzing the themes.
Homework: This project is due tomorrow by the end of class! Work on it tonight.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Do Now: Reread your answer to last week's CRQ. Did you answer the whole question? Did you prove that Bob Ewell held a grudge by citing the reactions of the people involved?
Classwork: Today is CRQ Day!
This week's prompt is based on the text in your handout!

Constructed Response Question: Why does Sheriff Tate insist that Bob Ewell fell on his knife and died? Use evidence from the text to support your opinion. ( Consider blind spots, mockingbirds, and walking in someone’s shoes.)
Annotate the prompt. What are you being asked to analyze?
Create the seven step plan.
Write your answer.
Aim for a perfect response.
Homework: The rough draft of your wiki project is due tomorrow. No rough draft; no laptop.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Do Now: Review your handouts for the test.
1. Test:
Read the directions carefully for each section.
Remember to annotate the Multiple Choice questions.
2. Wiki Project
Review the directions.
Which two themes will you select to analyze?
Homework: Outline your answer to the project questions. Remember each theme has a three part answer.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Monday, March 18, 2013

Do Now: One of the themes of the novel is that life is not fair. Choose two examples from the novel and tell why they support this theme.
Classwork: Review for tomorrow's test.
1. Themes in the novel
2. Symbolism
3. How do Scout and Jem change their view of life during the course of the novel?
4. How does the setting of the novel impact the plot?
5. Wiki Project incorporates all of the above.
Homework: Study your handouts for tomorrow's test.

Friday, March 15, 2013

Do Now: A mockingbird is a symbol in this novel. Explain the symbol. Who are the mockingbirds in the novel? Why?

We will be taking a close look at Atticus and Sheriff Tate by considering:
1. Blind spots
2. Internal and External conflict
3. Indirect characterization.
Test: Tuesday, March 19.
Homework: Make sure the reading questions are complete for this handout.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Do Now: Read pages 240-241. What is the main idea of the editorial Mr. Underwood writes following the death of Tom Robinson? Why does he compare Tom's death to the killing of a songbird? (Think mockingbird!)
Classwork: Back to Boo Radley:
Annotate your handouts for the summary of these sections.
Read the Halloween incident and answer reading questions.
Who stabs Bob Ewell? Who does Atticus think stabs Ewell? Tate?
Homework: Finish annotating this section and answering reading questions.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Monday, March 11, 2013

Do Now: What piece of evidence that Atticus presented in the trial was the most powerful? Why?

1. The conclusion of the trial of Tom Robinson. Analyze Atticus' speech to the jury - movie and novel.
2. The end result of the trial.
3. Bob Ewell continues his evil behavior with the incident at the Robinson home.
4. Why do the Ewells accuse Tom?
Homework: Complete your time-line for this section of the novel.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013

Do Now: How do you know when someone is lying to you? What are the body language clues?
Classwork: Movie, continued.

Continue with your time-line of evidence that Atticus presents to the jury.
What are the nonverbal clues that act as indirect characterization for Mayella, Tom, and Atticus in the movie? What can you infer from them?
Homework: I will be grading your TKAM handouts on Monday! Be sure they are complete.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Thursday, March 7. 2013

Do Now: What type of injuries do the prosecutor and Bob Ewell testify that Mayella Ewell has suffered? On which side of her body are the bruises?
Classwork: It's movie day.
Watch the trial and take notes as important evidence is presented. You are creating a timeline of evidence.
Homework: Rewrite your movie notes. Be sure to stress the key evidence Atticus uncovers.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Do Now: Scout's life is changing from the fun and games of Part 1 of the novel. Explain two experiences and how they change her life.
Classwork: The Trial of Tom Robinson:

1. Scout shows Mr.Cunningham waht it's like to walk in Atticus' shoes.
2. The prosecutor questions Heck Tate, the sheriff.
3. Bob Ewell is called to the stand to testify.
Homework: Review all of Excerpt 5 for tomorrow's CRQ.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Monday, March 4, 2012

Do Now: Scout believes Atticus is feeble and has no big talents she can brag about to her friends. How does this change with Tim  Johnson? ( 5 lines/ 5 minutes.
1. Racial prejudice within the black community - Calpurnia's church episode.
2. Meet Miss Alexandria.
3. Racism impacts the trial of Tom Robinson - the lynching mob.
Homework: Finish annotating the first three excerpts and answer reading questions.