Thursday, October 18, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Do Now: Put your essay on your desk. Take out your student ID and prepare for laptops.
Classwork: This is your first wiki project. Follow these directions to log on to your wiki.
You must be on Safari!
Go to to access the wiki.
Click "log on".
Your user name is your first name last name - ( all one word! Example: thomasjones)
Your password is your student ID.
Click on your name under your class. Your web page will open.
Press Edit to type your essay.
Your task:
 Create or describe an archetypal hero. What are the traits that prove he/she is a hero? Remember to include the quest and struggle in"hell".
Your project must include what your story reveals about your hero's culture.

This is a five paragraph essay! It must have an introduction and conclusion.
Homework: Continue working on your essay.

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