Monday, December 30, 2013

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Do Now: In "The Legend", who are the people involved? What is the setting? What is the event?
Classwork: "The Legend" by Garrett Hongo

We have focused on the who, what , where, and when in this poem. Today we focus on the why.
Why is the author ashamed of himself.
Why does he include the allusion to a Hawaiian legend?
Why is this poem a perspective on our inner-city culture?
Poetry Project - You will use a newspaper article and create  a poem in Hongo's style.
Homework: Bring the article/summary of newscast as well as the preliminary steps you filled out on the handout to create your poem.

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Do Now: Read "Same Song". Identify the speaker and briefly describe the subject.
Classwork: Poetry
"Same Song" by Pat Mora

Focus on allusion, imagery, and theme.
How does this poem relate to Powell's argument or theme in Manhood, Football, and  Suicide?
"The Legend" by Garret Hongo
1. In the essay that precedes the poem, Hongo writes that he hoped despite the problems of city life, "it would still lay its soft wings of blessing upon you if you cried out in need."
2. The Legend of the Weaver Maid and the Herd Boy
Homework: Answer all reading questions for Same Song and read "The Legend".

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Do Now: The author argues in "Manhood, Football, and Suicide" that...
"Too many of us have been taught manhood in a way that is not healthy." 
Do you agree? Why?
1. Analyze the author's purpose and the argument in this article.
2. How is this situation similar to the situation in Othello?
3.  Is the inability to express yourself a tragic flaw?
4. "Same Song" concerns a similar theme. 

What are the gender roles presented? How do they damage our society?
Homework: Finish annotating both texts. Answer reading questions!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Monday, December 16, 2013

Do Now: Is a tragic flaw limited to a Shakespearean tragic hero? What might be a tragic flaw in a contemporary hero? ( Hint - Who are our heroes today?)
"Manhood, Football, and Suicide" CNN article 

1. Annotate the text for who, what, where, and when.
2. Define key terms fro the text.
3. Is he a tragic hero? Why?
4. Analyze the author's perspective on manhood and our cultural values.
5. The 'why' of this article.
Homework: Finish reading the article and answer the CRQ:
What values go with the "supersized macho world of football". Summarize them in the margin.
Why does the author feel they are unhealthy? Use evidence from the text to support your answer.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Do Now: Why do you think Iago is a heinous villain? Cite evidence from the play that proves your point.
Classwork:  Review for test and focus on Othello as a Tragic Hero.

1. Identify the characteristics of a tragic hero.
2 Does Othello meet the criteria of a tragic hero? Cite evidence.
3 What is Othello's tragic flaw?
4. Competing theories that explain  Othello's downfall.
Homework: Test tomorrow!
All Othello handouts will be graded tomorrow.

Monday, December 9, 2013

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Do Now: How do you define 'VILLAIN'? List at least three characteristics a villain might have.
Classwork: We are focusing on Iago and the characteristics he displays throughout the play that support the definition of a classic villain.
Antagonist/Protagonist handout:
1. Annotate the text for definitions of villain, foil, adversary, and motivation.
2. Why is Iago the most terrifying villain in Shakespeare's tragedies?
3. Use specific evidence from the play that illuminates the character traits that prove Iago is heinous!
Homework : The Antagonist section of your handout must be fully annotated by tomorrow. ( 100 points)  
Othello test is Thursday! Review your handouts and your annotated text!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Monday, December 9, 2013

Do now: Explain this quote:
When you shall these unlucky deeds relate,
Speak of me as I am; nothing extenuate,
Nor set down aught in malice: then must you speak
Of one that loved not wisely but too well; 

Classwork: We finish Act V of Othello today. There's a whole lot of murder going on:
1. Iago stabs Cassio and kills Roderigo
2. Othello murders  Desdemona
3. Emilia accuses Iago
4. Iago murders Emilia
4. Othello kills himself.
Homework: Make sure your handouts are annotated and reading questions are complete. Review handouts and text to study for test on Wednesday.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Friday, December 6, 2013

Do Now: How does Emilia finally realize Iago's part in this tragedy? Explain her reaction.
Classwork: Othello Act V
Review final scenes and key dialogue
Is Iago's punishment justified and/or satisfying?
Is Othello's suffering justified? Does he take the easy way out?
Final Test - Tuesday 12/10
Homework: Handouts will be graded on Monday!

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Do Now: How do Emilia's views on adultery differ from Desdemona's? Re-read P. 76-81.
Classwork: Othello
Review Act 4 - Movie
Act 5 - Scene 1 - Sustained Silent Reading
P. 78 - How does Iago feel about the possible outcomes of the fight? Why?
Who stabs Cassio?
Who does Cassio think stbbed him?
What happens to Roderigo?
What is Othello's response to all this?
Homework: Finish the play and your handout.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Wednesday, November 4, 2013

Do Now: Explain Iago's plan that he presents to Roderigo. What part of the plan are you sure will not happen? Why? P. 73-74
Analyze Desdemona and Emilia's conversation about adultery. Why is Emilia Desdemona's foil?
Compare the play to the movie version. Which genre is easier to understand? Why?
Homework: Finish reading the play by Friday.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Do Now: Summarize the plot after Othello hears Cassio talking about "Desdemona". Use your handouts to help you.
Classwork: Othello  Act IV

1.  Desdemona asks Emilia and Iago for help.
2. Roderigo threatens Iago.
3. Emilia and Desdemona express their views on adultery.

Homework: Re-read 74-77 and answer the reading questions on your handout.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Monday, December 2, 2013

Do Now: Paraphrase quotes to understand how Iago further plots against Othello
Classwork: Othello Act 4
1. Othello overhears Cassio belittling Bianca and believes he speaks of DEsdemona
2. Iago steers Othello back on course as he begins to waiver.
3. Lodovico witness the astounding change in Othello.
4. Desdemona tries to understand Othello's rage.
Homework: Annotate text  - handouts and play. Read Emilia. Desdemona, and Iago's conversation and answer reading questions.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Do Now: What is your favorite part of Act 3? Why? Is there a quote you like?
Classwork: Othello Act 4
1. Review the Iago's six step plan to ruin Othello - Movie.
2. Sustained Silent Reading: Act 4, Scene 1

Iago continues to poison Othello's mind with vulgarity.
His soliloquy on Page 63 explains the next part of his plan.
Cassio talks trash about Bianca, but Othello is led to believe he is talking about Desdemona.
Homework: Keep reading! You might try to finish the play over the long weekend.

Monday, November 25, 2013

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Do Now: Quiz: Summarize each step and Othello's reaction.
Classwork: It's all about the handkerchief
Desdemona lies.
Othello has his proof
Desdemona pleads Cassio's case while Othello presses her about the handkerchief.
Who's Bianca and what's she got to do with all this?
Homework: Review Act 3

Sunday, November 24, 2013

Monday, November 25, 2013

Do Now: Why is Othello so quick to believe that Desdemona is cheating on him? Add to your list of ways Iago convinces him. Re-read this section of the play.
Classwork: Othello Act III
1. How does the handkerchief add to proof against Desdemona?
2. Iago's dream convinces Othello Desdemona is guilty. Why?
3. Iago plants another seed:
Homework: Re-read Act III, Scene 3. Quiz tomorrow.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Friday, November 22, 2013

Do Now: You have seen  several ways that Iago begins to make Othello believe Desdemona is cheating on him. Explain at least two ways.
Classwork: Othello Act 3
1. Othello's soliloquy proves Iago has triggered the green eyed monster.
2. Unfortunately, Desdemona drops a special handkerchief Othello gave her. Emilia finds it and says she'll give it to Iago.
Movie time: Watch Iago in action as well as Othello's pain.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Do Now: If your good friend tells you he has suspicions that your "honey" is cheating on you, would you believe your friend? Why?
Classwork: Othello - Act 3

Iago begins a six step plan to destroy Othello's marriage and life.
Step 1. Iago plants the first seed of suspicion.
Step 2. Iago hints that Cassio is not an honest man and that Desdemona may have been unfaithful. He warns Othello that jealousy can destroy a man.
Watch Iago in action; he is the king of manipulation.
Homework: Re-read this scene and answer questions on your handout.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Monday, November 18, 2013

Do Now:Why does Iago keep going with his treachery even though Cassio has been fired?
Classwork: The focus is on Iago:
Analyze his four soliloquies.
Summarize the key points of each soliloquy.
How does he develop his plan?
How does he reveal his evil character?
Homework: Study for test on Act 2 on Wednesday.
Re-read and be sure to review your handouts.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Friday, November 14, 2013

Do Now: Summarize how Iago orchestrated the drunken brawl that led to Cassio being fired.

Classwork: Othello - Act 2, Scene 3
Congratulations Iago! Cassio has been fired; the plan was a success!
1. Compare Cassio's speech about reputation with Iago's. (Cassio acts as a foil here.)
2. Stage 2 of Iago's master plan is put into place.
3. Roderigo is again manipulated to remain Iago's puppet.'
4. Time for another soliloquy...
Homework: Finish Act 2 handout and begin studying for the test next week.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Do Now: Prove that Iago is malicious as well as 'insane' by citing at least
three pieces of evidence from his soliloquies.

Classwork: Othello - Act II, Scene 3
Film clips
1.How does Iago take advantage of Cassio's confession that he can't handle more than one cup of wine?
2. Is his plan to "displant" Cassio effective?
3. What action does Othello take/
4. Compare Cassio's view on reputation to Iago's view.
5. How is Iago's plan tweaked to become even more malicious.
Homework: Review these episodes in the play. Read and annotate.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Do Now: Iago tells Roderigo that Desdemona will definitely fall for Cassio for three reasons. Review this conversation and list the three reasons.
P. 26-27

Today we examine Iago's two-faced, evil nature and more astounding revelations about this villain.
Poor, unaware Cassio! Does he stand a chance against Iago?
Movie clips: The drunken brawl.
Homework: Answer reading questions. Re-read sections we've covered in class.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Tuesday, Novemer 12, 2013

Do Now: Summarize Iago's plan to seek revenge at the end of Act 1. Will it work? Why?
Classwork:  Othello, Act 2
The play is now set in Cyprus. Cassio and Iago have had a conversation about women with Desdemona. Iago observes Cassio innocently hold Desdemona's hand. Othello enters; he and Desdemona leave the stage to share some private time.
Read and annotate summary of the opening scenes on your handout.
We begin reading  Iago's speech at the bottom of page 26.
Annotate the text: Read and re-read. Use you margins to paraphrase
1. How does Iago set Roderigo up to help destroy Cassio?
2. Why is Roderigo so easy to manipulate.
Use evidence from the text to support your answers
Homework: Skim the opening scene of this act to answer reading questions
Answer the first three reading questions for the dialogue covered in class.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

Do Now: Review your handouts for the test on Act 1.
Classwork: Test.
Be sure to read the questions carefully.
The short answer questions ask you to identify the speaker, explain the quote, and why the quote is important. 
Support your answer to the essay question with evidence from the text.
Homework: Enjoy the long weekend. Read Act 2. It's fun!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Do Now: Re-read Iago's soliloquy on  Page 20. What does he truly feel about Roderigo? About Othello? How will he use Cassio in his plan to seek revenge?
Classwork: Othello, Act 1.
1. Review for tomorrow's test:
Be able to define key terms.
Summarize the plot.
Paraphrase and explain the significance of key quotes from the play.
2. Movie - Act 1.
How does the movie differ from the play?
Which does a better job with characterization? Why?
Homework: Study your handouts. Make sure you can answer all reading questions. Briefly re-read your annotations in the text to review key episodes.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Monday, Novemeber 4, 2013

Do Now: Brabantio says the following quote. What does it mean? Why would he say it?
"Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see:
She has deceived her father, and may thee."

Classwork: Othello - final interactions of Scene 3
1. Desdemona explains her position to her father. She has  an internal conflict. How does she handle it?
2. Brabantio leaves Othello with a word of advice and a warning! Is he justified?
3. Roderigo threatens to drown himself once he realizes he has lost Desdemona. How does Iago manipulate him into paying him even more money?
4. Iago's soliloquy reveals fine-tuning of his plan to seek revenge on both Cassion and Othello.
Homework: Re-read Scene 3 to summarize the action.
Test on Friday. Review your handouts and your margin notes.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Do Now: Re-read Othello's account of how he won Desdemona's love on P.13. What made Desdemona fall in love with him?
Classwork: Othello, Scene 3
1. Iago's orginal plan backfires when Othello refuses to fight Brabantio,
2. What is the Duke's response to Othello's story?
3. Desdemona testifies her love.
4. Why does Brabantio say
"For your sake, jewel, I am glad at soul I have no other child"
Homework: Finish Act I. Annotate the text!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Do Now: Why does Brabantio believe his daughter must have had a spell put on her?
Classwork: Today we meet Othello and Desdemona

1. How does Othello handle Brabantio's anger?
2. Othello tells his side of the story to the Duke. What have you learned about him?
3. Desdemona testifies to her love for Othello. How does she handle Brabantio?
4. What is Brabantio's reaction?
Homework: Re-read this scene. Answer your reading questions.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Do Now: Take out your prefixes and roots handouts. What do you think the following words probably mean or have something to do with? Use your handouts to help you. Check your answers with your partner.
1. infidelity        4. congregate
2. synchronize   5. translucent
3. desensitize
Classwork: Othello, Act 1, Scenes 1 and 2.
1. Explain why Iago says
Farewell; for I must leave you:
It seems not meet, nor wholesome to my place,
To be produced--as, if I stay, I shall--
Against the Moor

2. Explain Brabantio's reaction when he discovers that Desdemona is gone.

3. Today we will finally meet Othello.
Analyze his character based on his interactions with Iago and Brabantio.
Homework: Re-read Scene 1 and finish 2. The more you read the dialogue, the easier it is to understand. Answer reading questions on your handout.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Do Now: Review your prefix handout for the quiz in 5 minutes.
Classwork: Othello, Act I, Scenes 1 and 2
1. After some racial and sexual slurs, Brabantio reacts to his daughter's elopement:
"Fathers, from hence trust not your daughters' minds By what you see them act. Is there not charms By which the property of youth and maidhood May be abused" 
2. Why does Iago leave Roderigo alone to handle Brabantio?

3. Today we will finally meet Othello and hear his version of his marriage to Desdemona.
After reading this scene, write a character analysis of Iago, Brabantio, and Othello.
Homework: Be sure the answers to the first 8 reading questions on your handout are complete.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Monday, October 28, 2013

Do Now: Prefix chart: Write a word that begins with each prefix on your sheet.
Classwork: Othello, Act I
1. Videos to review the opening conflicts:

 2. Iago explains how he will act with Othello now that he has been "disrespected". "In following him, I follow but myself...I am not what I am!"
Meet Brabantio!
Iago and Roderigo go to Desdemona's house. What do you think is going on in the following quote:
What ho, Brabantio! Awake! Theives! Theives!  Look to your house, your daughter and your bags! Theives! Theives!

 Iago and Roderigo put their plan in action. 
Prepare yourself. The images and language they use are graphic and disgusting! Why? 
Will Brabantio take the bait? 
Why does Iago leave the scene?
Homework: Read to the end of this scene and answer the reading questions.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Do Now: What do you think this quote from Othello means: "We cannot all be masters, nor all masters cannot be truly follow'd."  Describe a situation when all masters may not be truly followed.
Try another:

"Thou told'st me thou didst hold him in thy hate."
Classwork: Welcome to Shakespeare's Othello!

Act 1, Scene 1.
Meet Iago and Roderigo: Both men have a grievance against The Moor which sets the plot in motion.

We will analyze each man's character, how they plan to seek revenge, and the tactics they use.
Homework: Answer the  reading questions on your handout for the dialogue we have read in class.
Finish reading Scene 1.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Do Now: What are the traits of a tragic hero? You need 4-5 characteristics of this type of protagonist.
Classwork: Introduction to Othello, continued.

1. How To Read Shakespeare
2. The Language
3. Sample verses to paraphrase
4. John Branyan : The Three Little Pigs according to Shakespeare

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Monday, October 21, 2013

Do Now: Just for fun - Summarize the plot of "The Three Little Pigs".

Classwork: Introduction to Othello, continued.
1. Elizabethan Culture
2. How To Read Shakespeare
3. The Language
5. John Branyan : The Three Little Pigs according to Shakespeare
Homework: Paraphrase Triune Tale of Diminutive Swine

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Friday, October 18, 2013

Do Now: We are ready to begin a Shakespearean drama: The Tragedy of Othello. What's your definition of drama?

Classwork: Drama and the Tragic Hero
1. Read Dramatic Structure section of this week's handout to define literary terms.
2. Read Tragedy: A Fatal Flaw and annotate the text for additional information on archetypal heroes.
Annotate the text for main ideas and definitions
Homework: Complete the reading questions for the sections we've covered in class.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Do Now: Prepare for laptops.
Classwork: Hero essay
1. Put finishing touches on your essay. All five paragraphs must be complete and ready to be edited and revised.
2. Use Spell Check on your wiki. Be sure to check the online dictionary for correct spelling.
3. Grammar check is up to you. Look for incorrectly used punctuation, texting, and subject/verb agreement errors.
4. Add a photo of your hero from the internet.
5. Final opportunity to revise and edit.
Homework: Complete these steps before 9 P.M.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Do Now: Prepare for laptops.
Classwork: Wiki project
Log in to your wiki and continue your essay focusing on:
1. expanding evidence that proves your hero possesses archetypal traits
2. building a strong introduction that provides background information and a "hook"
3. Creating a strong conclusion with a brief summary and strong last line
4. Visit for a quotation that might serve as a strong opening or closing line.
5. Downloading an appropriate picture of your hero from the internet
6. Editing and revising your essay
Homework: Put the finishing touches on your wiki. It will be graded after 10 this evening,

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Do Now: Clear your desks of everything but your draft of the Hero essay. Prepare for laptops.
Classwork: Hero Essay
1. Laptop rules reviewed
2. Wiki directions:
            Log in and opening a workspace
3. Requirements of the essay:
          Introduction - strong opening, background, and thesis
          Body - three paragraphs that prove your hero possesses archetypal hero traits.
          Conclusion - summary/thesis statement, strong closing
4. Visit for a quotation that might serve as a strong opening or closing line.
Homework: Work on your wiki. It must be completed by the end of tomorrow's class.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Thursday - Friday, October 10 and 11, 2013

Do Now: Are you having trouble with your rough draft? How about the thesis? Are you prepared?
Classwork:  Writers' Workshop
Creating a powerful introduction:
    Strong opening first line/s
    Background information
    Thesis statement
Creating a lasting impression with the conclusion
    Summary - return to your thesis
    Strong closing sentence
Homework: Your completed draft is due tomorrow. No final draft - no laptop!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Do Now: Review for Roots Test.
Classwork: The Hero Essay - Steps for Success.
Start with the Body.
Brainstorm possible archetypal characteristics
Narrow your choices.
Develop each characteristic with supporting ideas and evidence
Outline the main headings of the body.
Next, The Introduction:
Focus - the thesis statement
Suggestions for strong opening lines
Homework: The rough draft of your Body and a working thesis are due tomorrow. BE PREPARED!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Do Now: Take out your Roots list. Use your chart to help you arrive at a possible meaning for the following words:
transcribe            videographer
jurisdiction          telecommunications
benevolent           fidelity
Pistorius - Article #3: The allegations and evidence. 
Discussion: Does our society put undo pressure on male athletes and/or heroes? Does male stereotyping lead to problems?
Hero Essay - The requirements and steps for success.
Today's focus is on the body of this essay. 
Homework: Roots test tomorrow. Rough draft of body due!


Saturday, October 5, 2013

Monday, October 7, 2013

Do Now:Our society is filled with contemporary heroes. Which hero interests you? Why? (Think politics, history, super heroes, sports, entertainment, armed forces, etc)
Meet Oscar Pistorius - a modern day hero? 

Watch the film and read the newspaper articles.
Does he possess the traits of an archetypal hero?
What does the article tell you about the beliefs and values of our society?
Homework: Finish all  reading questions for the first two articles. Study for roots test tomorrow.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Friday, October 4, 2013

Do Now: Review your handout and study notes for today's test!
Classwork: Test: Theseus
Directions - Read the questions carefully.
Use the space provided for your answers to the multiple choice questions.
Answer the entire question for short answer questions!
Homework: Enjoy the weekend

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Do Now: Tomorrow is a test on Theseus. How will you prepare for it? Be specific.
Review for Theseus Test:
Meet Oscar Pistorius - a modern day hero?

Watch the film and read the newspaper articles.
Does he possess the traits of an archetypal hero?
What does the article tell you about the beliefs and values of our society?
Homework: Theseus test tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Do Now: What have you learned about Greek cultural values based on the myth of Theseus? Explain at least two.
Classwork: Theseus
1. Is Theseus an archetypal hero? Working with a partner, summarize the eight episodes of the myth. How do these episodes correspond to the characteristics of an archetypal hero on the first page of your handout?
2. Ariadne's Thread - Interview: - Free write.
Homework: Complete Ariadne's Thread

Monday, September 30, 2013

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Do Now: Does Theseus purposely leave Ariadne on Naxos? Support your opinion with evidence from the text.
Classwork: Theseus - the final episodes

1. The Ariadne controversy
2. The black sail/white sail controversy
3. Theseus as king
Think about it: Does Theseus meet the characteristics of an archetypal hero?
Prove your point with evidence from the text.
Homework: All reading questions for the myth will be graded tomorrow.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Monday September 30, 2013

Do Now: Explain the tribute that must be fulfilled every nine years in Athens.
Theseus and the Minotaur: Creating the Archetypal Hero

Meet the Minotaur - summarize his birth, the circumstances of the tribute and the Labyrinth.
How does Theseus become involved in this mess? Why? 
Homework: Finish reading "Theseus Steps Up" section and summarize the plot in your notebook. Focus on Ariadne and the black/white sail issue.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Do Now: Who is your favorite hero? ( think movies, television, sports, family, etc.) What are the traits that characterize him/her a hero?
Part 1.
Analyze the characters using evidence from the text to support your inference
Analyze the cultural norms that this myth reveals about Greek society.
Part 2. The Minotaur -
Analyze the plot and conflict inherent in this quest.
Analyze characterization - Theseus and Aegeus.
Homework: Reading questions must use evidence from the text to prove your point! Roots Test - 22 words.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Do Now: Take out your roots handout. Using the roots in the first two columns, what do you think the following words might mean?
1. chronological
2. vacate
3. congregation
4. photosensitive
5. induction
Roots - continued. 

Theseus: Part 1
1. Analyze Theseus in terms of the traits of an archetypal hero.
2. Analyze his character in terms of direct and indirect characterization.
3. Consider his relationship to Hercules and how this impacts his character.
Homework: Answer all reading questions for this section.
Quiz - 22 roots.

Monday, September 23, 2013

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Do Now: Study your roots handout for a quiz.
1. Roots quiz
1. We are focusing today on informational text that provides background for Greek Mythology.

3.  PowerPoint link: The Archetypal Hero's Nine Traits.
For a copy of the handout click here.

1. Make sure you have annotated the text for background information and The Archetypal Hero.
2. Preview Part 1 of Theseus. 

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Monday, September 23, 2013

Do Now: Read the following sentences. Mark them true or false on your paper. Why? What is the important word in each sentence? Do not write the sentences.
1. The setting of the “The Storyteller” focuses on three children and two adults sitting in a train compartment in England during the winter of 1890.
2.  Bertha is a symbol for children who are raised with little discipline.
3. Cyril continually sings “On the Road to Mandalay” while his sister thumps a cushion.

1. Roots and Affixes - List 1
Welcome to Greek Mythology!
2. We are focusing today on informational text that provides background.

3.  PowerPoint link: The Archetypal Hero's Nine Traits.
For a copy of the handout click here.

1. Make sure you have annotated the text for background information and The Archetypal Hero.
2. Study the first 15 roots for a quiz tomorrow.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Do Now: Why does Saki include two frame stories in this short story? What is his purpose?
Review for tomorrow's test.
Review vocabulary and literary terms.
     List words from the story we have defined in class.
     Create scenarios using groups of words in a paragraph.
Handout check.
Homework: Study for test! Your handouts and answers to reading questions are your guide to an A.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Do Now: Review The Storyteller for a quiz.
Classwork: The Storyteller- final section.
1. Quiz
2. What is the children's reaction to this story. Compare it to their reaction to the aunt's story.
3. What is the aunt's reaction to the story? Why?
4. Why is the bachelor so pleased with himself?
5. What/Who is the object of Saki's ridicule in this satire? You'll need  to step away from the frame stories, now. Think of author's purpose.

Homework: Study all vocabulary from this story to prepare for Friday's test! Answer the essay question on page 5 of your handout.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Do Now: Summarize the plot of the bachelor's story. Why is Bertha eaten by the wolf?

Classwork: The Storyteller: Irony!
1. Definition of terms: Irony, Satire, Indirect Characterization
2. Review the key incidents in the bachelor's story.
3. What are Bertha's medals meant to reward?
4. What is the climax of the bachelor's story?
5. Why is this story ironic?
6. Is Bertha a victim of her goodness?
Homework: Finish all reading questions for this story! Handout check ( 100 points)

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Monday, September 16, 2013

 Do Now: Describe the three children, the aunt, and the bachelor. Why is the combination of personalities plus the setting itself bound to lead to an annoying situation? ( at least 5 lines )
Classwork: The Storyteller

1. We return to the railway compartment today to analyze the aunt's story and the children's reaction to it. We'll be looking at plot, imagery, and characterization.
2.  Next, we'll analyze the bachelor's story in terms of the same criteria. How are they alike? How are they different?
3. We'll step outside the frame story to analyze the character of the bachelor and of the aunt.
Make sure your reading questions are answered for these sections using evidence from the text! 
Did you email me using your gmail account?

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Friday, September 13, 2013

Do Now: Journal entry. Create a scenario using these three vocabulary words:  assail, retort, and deplorable.
Classwork: The Storyteller, continued
We will be analyzing the setting and characterization of the first four sections of the story to infer tone and author's purpose.
1. Why does the author tell us that Templecombe, the next stop, is nearly an hour ahead? Can you make a prediction based on this information? 
2. What can you infer about  the bachelor based on direct and indirect characterization? About the aunt?
3. Why do the children respond negatively to the aunt's story?
Answer all reading questions for the sections we have covered in class. Use evidence from the text to support your answers.
Quiz Monday

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Do Now: (Journal) What were your favorite stories as a child? What was it about them that you loved? 5 lines/5 minutes

Classwork: The Storyteller by Saki
 Section 1: 
Analyzing evidence from the text that illuminates setting and characterization.
Using evidence from the text and personal experience to make good inferences.
Section 2:
It's all about indirect characterization and the inferences that can be made.
Section 3: The first frame story.
Evaluate the aunt's story as well as the reactions to it.
1. Finish the reading questions for the first three sections of The Storyteller. ( 20 points)
2. Reminder: Open a gmail account and email me by Friday! Be sure to include your class period in the email.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Do Now: ( Journal Entry) Today is the twelfth anniversary of September 11, 2001. How has this event affected our country, your friends and family, and/or you?

1. Binder check
2. We will begin Saki's The Storyteller included in your handout.
The focus is on literary terms, vocabulary from the text, and setting.
Answer the five vocabulary 'scenario' questions that were displayed on the board during class.
Open a gmail account and email me by Friday!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Do Now: " Be yourself. Everyone else is taken." Do you agree? Why?
                   ( 5 lines minimum - 5 minutes)
The Day the Crayons Quit: Personification Project
Your task is to analyze this clever children's book in terms of conflict,  characterization, and tone. Your first project will be to create a similar analysis of a group of inanimate objects that you have selected.
Homework: Be prepared with binder, paper, and pens tomorrow. Rough draft of personification project due tomorrow.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Monday, September 9, 2013

Do Now: Fill out 3x5 card:
      Parent/Guardian Name and phone number
      Complete this sentence:
           Last year in English, I ...
Overview of English 2: Expectations - yours and mine, Survival Tools.
The Day the Crayons Quit: Personification Project
Your task is to analyze this clever children's book in terms of conflict,  characterization, and tone. Your first project will be to create a similar analysis of a group of inanimate objects that you have selected.

Homework: Be prepared with binder, paper, and pens tomorrow. Rough draft of personification project due tomorrow.

Monday, June 3, 2013

Thursday, May 6, 2013

Do Now: What is the difference between Troy's father and Bono's father?
Classwork: It is 2 weeks later and a Friday night:
1. Is Troy disrespecting Rose? Why this change in the way he talks to her?
2. Why is it ironic that Troy won his case and will drive the truck?
3. Why won't Troy take the money from Lyons?
4. How does Rose continue her role as peacemaker and keeping Troy in line?
Add inferences you can make about Troy now as well as the quotes that prove them to your graphic organizer.
Homework: Review your notes as well as literary elements for tomorrow's final.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Do Now: What do you think of Lyons? Why?
Today is a review for tomorrow's test on Act 1, Scene 1.
Graphic Organizer. Use your notes and the book to find quotes that prove the inferences in the left hand column.
Act 1: Scene 2 - 
Troy is in a foul mood at the start of this scene:
The numbers,
The restaurant man
Meet Gabriel:
Homework: Study for test tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Do Now: Review the conversation with Death. What can you infer about Troy? Write a quote from the text that proves your point.
Meet Lyons:

1. How does Troy prove the devil exists? Why does he make up this story?
2. Why does Lyons say Troy has no right to try and change him?
3. Why does Troy have Rose give Lyons the money?
By the end of Scene 1, Troy has revealed important character traits through dialogue with Bono, Rose, and Lyons. List them and support them with evidence from the play.
Homework: Make sure your graphic organizer is complete. Quiz tomorrow!

Monday, May 27, 2013

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Do Now: Troy fights a "little battle" in Scene 1. Explain. What is the issue? What does he hope to accomplish? Why? (p.2-3)
A. Create a 2 column graphic organizer that identifies characterization inferences and the textual evidence that supports your inference.
 Troy graphic organizer: What can you infer? - evidence from conversations 
1. Bono
2. Rose
3. Death
4. Lyons 

Meet Rose:

B. Film clip:
1. Troy explains his on-going battle with death. Watch for Rose's interpretation and what you can infer about her character.
2. Explain Troy's relationship with Lyons based on quotes from this section of the play.
Homework: Complete graphic organizer for this section of the play.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Do Now: Based on the Introduction to Fences, what have you learned about Troy Maxson? ( 5 lines, 5 minutes)
1. The setting
2. August Wilson's introduction to the play:
Contrast the life style and opportunities of European immigrants with that of the descendants of African slaves.
Why does the author call this period the time  before "the hot winds of change?
Why does he include information about the World Series in this historical perspective?
3. Meet Troy and Bono:

Analyze them in terms of their conversation. What inferences can you make based on evidence from the play?
Homework: Character Analysis: Summarize the conversation between Troy and Bono. What have you learned about each man? Quiz tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Keystones are over and it's time to get back to classwork!
Do Now: What is the purpose of building a fence? Is a fence a symbol for a larger idea? Why? THINK!
Classwork: Today we begin August Wilson's Fences... (big drum roll)

1. Introduction - Lloyd Richards
The time, place, the author's purpose, and the characters that allow him to achieve his goal.
2. "The Setting": Draw what you believe the stage will look like based on theses paragraphs.
3. "The Play": August Wilson introduction to the historical and social background.
Homework: Make sure your reading questions are complete and text is annotated.