Monday, November 26, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Do Now: You will be shown examples of literary terms. Your task is to identify the type of terms used in the sentences.
1. We will be reviewing the literary terms we have studied in preparation for Wednesday's Benchmark.

2. We will review test-taking strategies that you can begin practicing in this Benchmark that will help you handle Multiple Choice questions effectively.
1. Read the questions first to give you a purpose for reading.
2. Use a hands-on approach: Mark the text for main ideas.
3. Question the text and your understanding of it.
4. Bored? Be proactive!  Summarize what you've read so far in the margin.
5. Use the headings. Turn them into questions you will answer.
6. Find some humor to keep you going.
Homework: Review your Literary Terms handout!

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