Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do Now: You see a new student in the lunchroom. How will you decide if you want to get to know him/her? What will you take into consideration?
The Do Now is a springboard to understanding indirect characterization - what the reader finds out about a character based on what the character says, how he acys with other people, and what other people say about him.
1. What do we know about Iago based on indirect characterization? About Othello? About Roderigo? About Desdemona?
2. In Act 2, we see another side of Desdemona as she interacts with Iago. What have you learned about her?
3. Iago continues to add more details to his plan for revenge.What more have you learned about him in this section?
Test Taking Strategies: Review
Homework: Review the Literary Terms Handout

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