Sunday, December 2, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Do Now: Based on what you know about Iago, what do you think his opinion of women is? Why?
Classwork:  Today is Sustained Silent Reading:
The play is now set in Cyprus. Cassio and Iago have had a conversation about women with Desdemona. Iago observes Cassio innocently hold Desdemona's hand. Othello enters; he and Desdemona leave the stage to share some private time.
You are to start reading at Iago's speech at the bottom of page 26 through page 28.
Annotate the text: Read and re-read. Use you margins to paraphrase
1. How does Iago set Roderigo up to help destroy Cassio.
2. Concentrate on Iago's soliloquy on page 28.
Annotate the text for his feelings toward Othello. Desdemona, and his new plan!
Re-read these sections and answer the reading questions for pp. 26-28 on your handout.

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