Sunday, December 16, 2012

Monday. December 17, 2012

Do Now:  Othello is so upset by Iago's accusations that he has a seizure. What do the following quotes mean? Why does Iago say this?
Iago:  My lord is fall'n into an epilepsy.
This is his second fit; he had one yesterday. 
Cassio: Rub him about the temples.
 Iago: No, forbear;
 The lethargy must have his quiet course:
If not, he foams at mouth and by and by
Breaks out to savage madness. 
Classwork: The following episodes show just how out of control Othello is becoming.
1. The overheard conversation.
2. Othello threatens Desdemona
3. Othello slaps Desdemona!
Homework: Re-read this section. Make sure you have annotated your handout.

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