Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wenesday, December 12, 2012

Do Now: Why is Iago so successful at manipulating people?
Classwork: Today we begin Act 3. This is where Iago takes control of Othello's emotions.

  Act 3. Iago's 6 step plan to make Othello insane with jealousy - a green eyed monster!
The first step occurs when Cassio hurriedly leaves Desdemona without speaking to Othello.
The second step occurs when Iago asks a series of casual questions. 
The third step - Iago suggests Desdemona will come to her senses and regret marrying Othello.
The fourth step involves Emilia giving Iago the  handkerchief.
The fifth step involves Iago inventing Cassio's dream about Desdemona. 
The six step involves the handkershief again.
Homework: Answer reading questions on your handout for the steps we've covered today. I will do a notebook check on Thursday. All handouts must be in your binder.

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