Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Do Now: Prepare for laptops. Have your quotes ready!
Classwork: Your task is to analyze two quotes from Othello on your wiki.
1. Open Safari, go to the wiki: http://mrswillisenglish3.pbworks.com and log in.
2. Create a page. Title it:  First initial last name Othello. Make sure to put it in your folder.
3. Type the quotes exactly as they appear in the play. Use quotation marks.
4. Analyze each quote: Who said it, what does it mean, and what can you infer about the speaker?
5. Why did you choose this quote to explain this character?
6. Include an image of the character.
Be sure to proofread!
Homework: Enjoy the holiday!

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