Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Do Now: Compare/contrast Emilia and Desdemona. Consider their view on adultery and forgiveness.
Classwork: We finish Act V of Othello today. There's a whole lot of murder going on:
1. Iago stabs Cassio and kills Roderigo
2. Othello murders  Desdemona
3. Emilia accuses Iago
4. Iago murders Emilia
4. Othello kills himself.
Homework: Make sure your handouts are annotated and reading questions are complete.
Quiz tomorrow!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Do Now: Summarize the plot after Othello hears Cassio talking about "Desdemona". Use your handouts to help you.
Classwork: Othello  Acts IV and V

1.   Desdemona asks Emilia and Iago for help.
2. Roderigo threatens Iago.
3. Emilia and Desdemona express their views on adultery.
4. Othello goes to Desdemona for the last time.
Homework: Read Othello's speech on your handout. Answer the reading questions.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Monday. December 17, 2012

Do Now:  Othello is so upset by Iago's accusations that he has a seizure. What do the following quotes mean? Why does Iago say this?
Iago:  My lord is fall'n into an epilepsy.
This is his second fit; he had one yesterday. 
Cassio: Rub him about the temples.
 Iago: No, forbear;
 The lethargy must have his quiet course:
If not, he foams at mouth and by and by
Breaks out to savage madness. 
Classwork: The following episodes show just how out of control Othello is becoming.
1. The overheard conversation.
2. Othello threatens Desdemona
3. Othello slaps Desdemona!
Homework: Re-read this section. Make sure you have annotated your handout.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

Do Now: Which one of the steps in Iago's plan to ruin Othello's marriage seems the most evil to you?
Classwork: It's Movie Day!

We will watch the six steps in action:
1. "I like not that!"
 The more Desdemona speaks for Cassio the more annoyed Othello becomes.
2. Be ware of the green-eyed monster.
3. Desdemona will regret her choice: the race card.
4. The handkercheif - part 1.
5. The dream episode
6. The handkerchief revisited.
Watch carefully for Othello's reactions.
Which rendition is more believable? Which does a better job with indirect characterization?
Homework: Review your notes and finish reading Act 3 to see the end result of Iago's plan.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wenesday, December 12, 2012

Do Now: Why is Iago so successful at manipulating people?
Classwork: Today we begin Act 3. This is where Iago takes control of Othello's emotions.

  Act 3. Iago's 6 step plan to make Othello insane with jealousy - a green eyed monster!
The first step occurs when Cassio hurriedly leaves Desdemona without speaking to Othello.
The second step occurs when Iago asks a series of casual questions. 
The third step - Iago suggests Desdemona will come to her senses and regret marrying Othello.
The fourth step involves Emilia giving Iago the  handkerchief.
The fifth step involves Iago inventing Cassio's dream about Desdemona. 
The six step involves the handkershief again.
Homework: Answer reading questions on your handout for the steps we've covered today. I will do a notebook check on Thursday. All handouts must be in your binder.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Do Now: Mini Grammar Review: Correct the following sentence. How many mistakes did you find?
dr gaudette began her lecture with this here quotation from the work of the poet emily dickinson truth is such a rare thing, it is a delight to tell it
Classwork: Othello Act 3
1. Review of Act 2:
How does Iago set up the first part of his plan? What problem does Cassio have that Iago exploits?What part does Roderigo have in the fight that causes Cassio to be fired? How will Desdemona be involved? What role will Emilia play?
Why does Iago seek revenge on Cassio and Othello?

2.  Act 3. Iago's 6 step plan to make Othello insane with jealousy - a green eyed monster!
The first step occurs when Cassio hurriedly leaves Desdemona without speaking to Othello.
The second step occurs when Iago asks a series of casual questions. 
The third step - Iago suggests Desdemona will come to her senses and regret marrying Othello.
The fourth step involves Emilia giving Iago the  handkerchief.
Homework: Test on Acts 1 and 2 tomorrow. Review your handouts and the important quotes we have annotated in the text!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Do Now: Explain the metaphor in the following quote: (Who said it?)
"If consequence do but approve my dream,
My boat sails freely, both with wind and stream."
Try this simile:
"He'll be as full of quarrel and offence
As my young mistress' dog."
Classwork: Iago's Plan, part 2
Read the summary of Pages 33-39 on your handout to preview the scene. Annotate this text for key plot details.
Read the dialogue from the play that shows how easily Iago is able to manipulate not only Roderigo, but now Cassio. Annotate the dialogue using your margins to paraphase.
Answer the last question on your handout.
Homework: Re-read your margin notes and the dialogue. Make sure this handout is complete by Monday. Test on Acts 1 and 2 on Tuesday!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Do Now: Re-read Iago's soliloquy on Page 28. What suspicions does Iago have that lead him to his new strategy for revenge? What do you think about all this?
Classwork: Congratulations, Iago!
1. Iago's plan is successful. Cassio, drunk and angry, fights with Montano.
2. "Honest Iago" reluctantly tells Othello how Cassio disgraced himself.
3. Othello fires Cassio!
Homework: Re-read the episodes we have covered in class. Answer all reading questions that apply. Remember to use evidence from the play to support your answers!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Do Now: Take out the play and re-read Iago's opinion of women. What line stands out the most for you? Why?
Back to Iago's soliloquy
1. Annotate the text for his opinion of Desdemona, Cassio, and Othello
Act 2, Scene 3
1. What information does Cassio share with Iago about his experience with liquor.
2. Read your handout synopsis of the scene and annotate it.
3. Watch the movie to see the festivities and the first phase of Iago's plan in action.
Homework: Read Montano’s dialogue on P.32 and answer the reading questions. Remember to paraphrase in the margins of the book.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Do Now: Correct the following sentence. How many mistakes?
for to months ive been searching for a certain kind of table for our hall made from walnut wood
Classwork: Othello: It's been a while!

Act 2: Iago devises a plan to accomplish all his goals for revenge in this act.
1. What's his strategy?
2. Who is involved in the strategy? How? Why?
3. What have you learned about Cassio. Roderigo, Iago, and Emilia through indirect characterization?
Homework: Finish the reading questions for Act 2, Scenes 1 and 2.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Do Now: Based on what you know about Iago, what do you think his opinion of women is? Why?
Classwork:  Today is Sustained Silent Reading:
The play is now set in Cyprus. Cassio and Iago have had a conversation about women with Desdemona. Iago observes Cassio innocently hold Desdemona's hand. Othello enters; he and Desdemona leave the stage to share some private time.
You are to start reading at Iago's speech at the bottom of page 26 through page 28.
Annotate the text: Read and re-read. Use you margins to paraphrase
1. How does Iago set Roderigo up to help destroy Cassio.
2. Concentrate on Iago's soliloquy on page 28.
Annotate the text for his feelings toward Othello. Desdemona, and his new plan!
Re-read these sections and answer the reading questions for pp. 26-28 on your handout.