Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Thursday, December 20, 2012

Do Now: Compare/contrast Emilia and Desdemona. Consider their view on adultery and forgiveness.
Classwork: We finish Act V of Othello today. There's a whole lot of murder going on:
1. Iago stabs Cassio and kills Roderigo
2. Othello murders  Desdemona
3. Emilia accuses Iago
4. Iago murders Emilia
4. Othello kills himself.
Homework: Make sure your handouts are annotated and reading questions are complete.
Quiz tomorrow!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Do Now: Summarize the plot after Othello hears Cassio talking about "Desdemona". Use your handouts to help you.
Classwork: Othello  Acts IV and V

1.   Desdemona asks Emilia and Iago for help.
2. Roderigo threatens Iago.
3. Emilia and Desdemona express their views on adultery.
4. Othello goes to Desdemona for the last time.
Homework: Read Othello's speech on your handout. Answer the reading questions.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Monday. December 17, 2012

Do Now:  Othello is so upset by Iago's accusations that he has a seizure. What do the following quotes mean? Why does Iago say this?
Iago:  My lord is fall'n into an epilepsy.
This is his second fit; he had one yesterday. 
Cassio: Rub him about the temples.
 Iago: No, forbear;
 The lethargy must have his quiet course:
If not, he foams at mouth and by and by
Breaks out to savage madness. 
Classwork: The following episodes show just how out of control Othello is becoming.
1. The overheard conversation.
2. Othello threatens Desdemona
3. Othello slaps Desdemona!
Homework: Re-read this section. Make sure you have annotated your handout.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Friday, December 14, 2012

Do Now: Which one of the steps in Iago's plan to ruin Othello's marriage seems the most evil to you?
Classwork: It's Movie Day!

We will watch the six steps in action:
1. "I like not that!"
 The more Desdemona speaks for Cassio the more annoyed Othello becomes.
2. Be ware of the green-eyed monster.
3. Desdemona will regret her choice: the race card.
4. The handkercheif - part 1.
5. The dream episode
6. The handkerchief revisited.
Watch carefully for Othello's reactions.
Which rendition is more believable? Which does a better job with indirect characterization?
Homework: Review your notes and finish reading Act 3 to see the end result of Iago's plan.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wenesday, December 12, 2012

Do Now: Why is Iago so successful at manipulating people?
Classwork: Today we begin Act 3. This is where Iago takes control of Othello's emotions.

  Act 3. Iago's 6 step plan to make Othello insane with jealousy - a green eyed monster!
The first step occurs when Cassio hurriedly leaves Desdemona without speaking to Othello.
The second step occurs when Iago asks a series of casual questions. 
The third step - Iago suggests Desdemona will come to her senses and regret marrying Othello.
The fourth step involves Emilia giving Iago the  handkerchief.
The fifth step involves Iago inventing Cassio's dream about Desdemona. 
The six step involves the handkershief again.
Homework: Answer reading questions on your handout for the steps we've covered today. I will do a notebook check on Thursday. All handouts must be in your binder.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Do Now: Mini Grammar Review: Correct the following sentence. How many mistakes did you find?
dr gaudette began her lecture with this here quotation from the work of the poet emily dickinson truth is such a rare thing, it is a delight to tell it
Classwork: Othello Act 3
1. Review of Act 2:
How does Iago set up the first part of his plan? What problem does Cassio have that Iago exploits?What part does Roderigo have in the fight that causes Cassio to be fired? How will Desdemona be involved? What role will Emilia play?
Why does Iago seek revenge on Cassio and Othello?

2.  Act 3. Iago's 6 step plan to make Othello insane with jealousy - a green eyed monster!
The first step occurs when Cassio hurriedly leaves Desdemona without speaking to Othello.
The second step occurs when Iago asks a series of casual questions. 
The third step - Iago suggests Desdemona will come to her senses and regret marrying Othello.
The fourth step involves Emilia giving Iago the  handkerchief.
Homework: Test on Acts 1 and 2 tomorrow. Review your handouts and the important quotes we have annotated in the text!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Friday, December 7, 2012

Do Now: Explain the metaphor in the following quote: (Who said it?)
"If consequence do but approve my dream,
My boat sails freely, both with wind and stream."
Try this simile:
"He'll be as full of quarrel and offence
As my young mistress' dog."
Classwork: Iago's Plan, part 2
Read the summary of Pages 33-39 on your handout to preview the scene. Annotate this text for key plot details.
Read the dialogue from the play that shows how easily Iago is able to manipulate not only Roderigo, but now Cassio. Annotate the dialogue using your margins to paraphase.
Answer the last question on your handout.
Homework: Re-read your margin notes and the dialogue. Make sure this handout is complete by Monday. Test on Acts 1 and 2 on Tuesday!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Do Now: Re-read Iago's soliloquy on Page 28. What suspicions does Iago have that lead him to his new strategy for revenge? What do you think about all this?
Classwork: Congratulations, Iago!
1. Iago's plan is successful. Cassio, drunk and angry, fights with Montano.
2. "Honest Iago" reluctantly tells Othello how Cassio disgraced himself.
3. Othello fires Cassio!
Homework: Re-read the episodes we have covered in class. Answer all reading questions that apply. Remember to use evidence from the play to support your answers!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Do Now: Take out the play and re-read Iago's opinion of women. What line stands out the most for you? Why?
Back to Iago's soliloquy
1. Annotate the text for his opinion of Desdemona, Cassio, and Othello
Act 2, Scene 3
1. What information does Cassio share with Iago about his experience with liquor.
2. Read your handout synopsis of the scene and annotate it.
3. Watch the movie to see the festivities and the first phase of Iago's plan in action.
Homework: Read Montano’s dialogue on P.32 and answer the reading questions. Remember to paraphrase in the margins of the book.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Do Now: Correct the following sentence. How many mistakes?
for to months ive been searching for a certain kind of table for our hall made from walnut wood
Classwork: Othello: It's been a while!

Act 2: Iago devises a plan to accomplish all his goals for revenge in this act.
1. What's his strategy?
2. Who is involved in the strategy? How? Why?
3. What have you learned about Cassio. Roderigo, Iago, and Emilia through indirect characterization?
Homework: Finish the reading questions for Act 2, Scenes 1 and 2.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Do Now: Based on what you know about Iago, what do you think his opinion of women is? Why?
Classwork:  Today is Sustained Silent Reading:
The play is now set in Cyprus. Cassio and Iago have had a conversation about women with Desdemona. Iago observes Cassio innocently hold Desdemona's hand. Othello enters; he and Desdemona leave the stage to share some private time.
You are to start reading at Iago's speech at the bottom of page 26 through page 28.
Annotate the text: Read and re-read. Use you margins to paraphrase
1. How does Iago set Roderigo up to help destroy Cassio.
2. Concentrate on Iago's soliloquy on page 28.
Annotate the text for his feelings toward Othello. Desdemona, and his new plan!
Re-read these sections and answer the reading questions for pp. 26-28 on your handout.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Do Now: You see a new student in the lunchroom. How will you decide if you want to get to know him/her? What will you take into consideration?
The Do Now is a springboard to understanding indirect characterization - what the reader finds out about a character based on what the character says, how he acys with other people, and what other people say about him.
1. What do we know about Iago based on indirect characterization? About Othello? About Roderigo? About Desdemona?
2. In Act 2, we see another side of Desdemona as she interacts with Iago. What have you learned about her?
3. Iago continues to add more details to his plan for revenge.What more have you learned about him in this section?
Test Taking Strategies: Review
Homework: Review the Literary Terms Handout

Monday, November 26, 2012

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Do Now: You will be shown examples of literary terms. Your task is to identify the type of terms used in the sentences.
1. We will be reviewing the literary terms we have studied in preparation for Wednesday's Benchmark.

2. We will review test-taking strategies that you can begin practicing in this Benchmark that will help you handle Multiple Choice questions effectively.
1. Read the questions first to give you a purpose for reading.
2. Use a hands-on approach: Mark the text for main ideas.
3. Question the text and your understanding of it.
4. Bored? Be proactive!  Summarize what you've read so far in the margin.
5. Use the headings. Turn them into questions you will answer.
6. Find some humor to keep you going.
Homework: Review your Literary Terms handout!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012

Do Now: Correct the following sentence. How many errors did you find?
mr. Kato explained that because the rule do not effect the entire school but only individual students as a result of that rule the student handbook was changed
Focus: introductory subordinate clauses, redundancy, commonly confused words
Review Act 1:
Preview Act 2

Focus on Desdemona and on Iago's new plan: Pages 23-25.
figurative language
conflict - internal and external
Homework: Re-read the sections we have annotated and answer reading questions.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Do Now: Prepare for laptops. Have your quotes ready!
Classwork: Your task is to analyze two quotes from Othello on your wiki.
1. Open Safari, go to the wiki: and log in.
2. Create a page. Title it:  First initial last name Othello. Make sure to put it in your folder.
3. Type the quotes exactly as they appear in the play. Use quotation marks.
4. Analyze each quote: Who said it, what does it mean, and what can you infer about the speaker?
5. Why did you choose this quote to explain this character?
6. Include an image of the character.
Be sure to proofread!
Homework: Enjoy the holiday!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Monday, November 19, 2012

Do Now: Review your reading questions. Quiz in five minutes!
1.  Quiz
2. Compare the movie to the play?
Which is easier to understand? Why?
Which does a better job with characterization? Why?
Homework:Select two of your favorite quotes from Act 1. Why did you choose them? Why are they important?

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Friday, Novemeber 16, 2012

Do Now: How did Othello win Desdemona's love? What part of his explanation impressed you?
Classwork: Today is your chance to see the characters in action.

1. How does the movie differ from the play?
2. Which version do you prefer?
Homework: Review Act 1 for a test on Monday!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Wednesday and Thursday, November 14-15, 2012

Do Now: What problems are you having reading Othello? Explain.
Classwork: We will take a closer look at how Othello handles Iago, Brabantio, and the Duke.
Desdemona explains her position to her father. She's got an internal conflict. How does she handle it?
Brabantio leaves Othello with a word of advice and a warning! Is he justified?
Homework: Re-read the scene and answer the reading questions! There will be a test on Act 1 Monday!!!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Do Now: Why does Brabantio believe his daughter must have had a spell put on her?
Classwork: Today we meet Othello and Desdemona

1. How does Othello handle Brabantio's anger?
2. Othello tells his side of the story to the Duke. What have you learned about him?
3. Desdemona testifies to her love for Othello. How does she handle Brabantio?
4. What is Brabantio's reaction?
Homework: Re-read this scene. Answer your reading questions.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Friday, November 9, 2012

Do Now: Write a brief synopsis of the plot that we've read. Be sure to include the main characters.
Classwork: We continue with Act 1,
Today we will finally meet Othello and hear his version of his marriage to Desdemona.
After reading this scene, write a character analysis of Iago, Brabantio, and Othello.
Homework: Re-read the first three scenes of Act 1. This time read for ket details that explain the plot and the characters!

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Do Now: Iago and Roderigo go to Desdemona's house. What do you think is going on in the following quote:
What ho, Brabantio! Awake! Theives! Theives!  Look to your house, your daughter and your bags! Theives! Theives!
Classwork: Meet Brabantio!
 Iago and Roderigo put their plan in action. 
Prepare yourself. The images and language they use are graphic and disgusting! 
Why? Will Brabantio take the bait? 
Why does Iago leave the scene?
Homework: Read to the end of this scene and answer the reading questions.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Do Now: What do you think this quote from Othello means: "We cannot all be masters, nor all masters cannot be truly follow'd."  Describe a situation when all masters may not be truly followed.
Classwork: Welcome to Shakespeare's Othello!
Act 1, Scene 1.
Meet Iago and Roderigo: Both men have a grievance against The Moor which sets the plot in motion.

We will analyze each man's character, how they plan to seek revenge, and the tactics they use.
Homework: Answer the  reading questions on your handout for the dialogue we have read in class.
Finish reading Scene 1.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Do Now: Correct the following sentence: Rewrite it. What type of errors did you find? How many? -->
--> neither rasheed or larry dont want their teams loss to suggest that team members didnt play good
We continue with Triune Tale of Diminutive Pigs
Examples of puns, archaic language, inversion ( or syntax changes )
Listen to the ryhthm of iambic pentameter Video: John Branyan's Three Little Pigs
Five key elements:
  1. Iambic pentameter is a verse rhythm often used in Shakespeare’s writing
  2. It has 10 syllables per line
  3. Syllables alternate between stressed and unstressed beats, creating this pattern: “de/DUM de/DUM de/DUM de/DUM de/DUM
  4. Shakespeare played around with this structure to create different effects (for example, he changed the stress pattern and added syllables)
  5. Generally speaking, high class characters speak in iambic pentameter; lower class characters speak in prose 
 Homework: Read the synopsis of Othello Act 1

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Friday, November 3, 2012

Do Now: Briefly summarize The Story of The Three Little Pigs
Classwork: How to read Shakespeare -
1. Understanding punctuation, blank verse, and use of language,
2. The Three little Pigs written in the style of Shakespeare or....
Triune Tale of Diminutive Swine
 Read the text and watch the video to become familiar with Shakespeare's style.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Do Now: How would you define tragedy? Write a brief scenario that reveals a tragedy.
1. The Tragic Hero
Read the section of the text that explains this type of hero. 
Annotate the text.
Answer the reading questions.
2. Cultural perspective of Shakespeare's plays.
Read this section and answer the essay question using evidence from the text to support your answer. 
Homework: Finish your essay.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Do Now: We are ready to begin a drama: The Tragedy of Othello. What's your definition of drama?

Classwork: Drama and the Tragic Hero
1. Read Dramatic Structure section of this week's handout to define literary terms.
2. Read Tragedy: A Fatal Flaw and annotate the text for additional information on archetypal heroes.
Homework: Complete the reading questions for the sections we've covered in class.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Friday, October 26, 2012

Do Now: Prepare for laptops.
1. Today is a proofreading day. Read your essay carefully to spot errors you might have missed on Wednesday.
2. Create a graphic version of your essay on Comic Life. You'll find the program under APPLICATIONS if it is not included on the dock.
Have fun.
Homework: Make any final revisions to your essay before it is graded Sunday.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Wednesday, October 23, 2012

Do Now: Prepare for laptops.
Classwork: Finish your essay by proofreading and adding an image from the Internet.
Visit to find a powerful opening or closing sentence for your essay.
Writers' Workshop - Show me your essay for final revisions and suggestions.
Finished your essay? Open Comic Life and have some fun making a comic book about your hero.  Extra Credit Opportunity!
Homework: Make sure your essay is perfect by tomorrow!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Do Now: Prepare for laptops. Put your essay on your desk.
Classwork: Wiki Project
This is the last day you will have to work on your essay in class. It will be graded on Thursday.
Make sure you have five paragraphs that follow the format from yesterday's handout.
Once you have completed the essay:
1. Proofread. Use spell check. Pay attention to red and green underlines. Be careful not to use texting language in this essay.
2. Your final task is to add a picture of your hero at the top of the page.
Be sure to save your work.
Homework: Complete the wiki project.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Monday, October 22, 2012

Do Now:  Are you having problems with your "Hero Essay"? Is there a section you need help with? Explain.
1. We will review the requirements of each part of the essay.
2. We will analyze a sample essay to determine if it meets the requirements.
3. You will evaluate your essay to determine if it meets the requirements. This is your opportunity to rework your essay either on your wiki or on the graphic organizer provided.

Remember your are not telling a story in this essay. You are analyzing a hero in terms of his traits and quest, his struggle, and the values and beliefs of his culture.

Homework: Tonight is your last opportunity to refine your essay. You will put the finishing touches on it tomorrow on your wiki.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Friday, October 19, 2012

Do Now: Put your essay on your desk. Take out your student ID and prepare for laptops.
Classwork: This is your first wiki project. Follow these directions to log on to your wiki.
You must be on Safari!
Go to to access the wiki.
Click "log on".
Your user name is your first name last name - ( all one word! Example: thomasjones)
Your password is your student ID.
Click on your name under your class. Your web page will open.
Press Edit to type your essay.
Your task:
 Create or describe an archetypal hero. What are the traits that prove he/she is a hero? Remember to include the quest and struggle in"hell".
Your project must include what your story reveals about your hero's culture.

This is a five paragraph essay! It must have an introduction and conclusion.
Homework: Continue working on your essay.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Do Now: What are the values and beliefs of your family? What are the beliefs and values of Overbrook?
Wiki project - Creating the hero is five paragraph format.
The introduction has three parts: 
1. Strong opening line, 
2. Preview, and a
3. Thesis statement
The Body: three main ideas of the essay.
1.Your hero's background and quest
2. Your hero's struggle in "hell" and the  result
3. How your hero's story reveals the beliefs and  values of his/her culture
The Conclusion has two parts:
1. A brief summary of the body
2. A strong closing line.
Your final draft is due tomorrow. No final draft? No laptop! 

Monday, October 15, 2012

Tuesday, October 16 , 2012

Do Now: Is Oscar Pistorius a hero. Why?
Review first Pistorius article by marking the major events in his athletic career.
Analyze article two for evidence of a quest and other traits of an archetypal hero.
Analyze what the story of Oscar Pisorius reveals about our culture.
Wiki project: Create or describe an archetypal hero. What are the traits that prove he/she is a hero. Remember to include the quest and struggle in"hell".
Your project must include what your story reveals about your hero's culture.
Homework: your rough draft of the project is due tomorrow.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Friday, October 12, 2012

Do Now: One of the functions of a myth is to explain the values and beliefs of a society. What does the myth of Baldur tell you about Norse culture? Use evidence from the myth to support your answer.
1. Essay revisited:
What did you feel were the most important differences between Greek and Norse myths?
What do these differences tell you about the beliefs and values of each culture?
2. Meet Oscar Pastorius - a modern day hero!

Does he possess the traits of an archetypal hero?
What does the article tell you about the beliefs and values of our society?
Homework: Your final draft of the essay is due Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Do Now: Does Hodur exhibit traits of an archetypal figure? Explain which ones you think apply.
Loki's punishment seems to resemble the Greek system of punishment.
Explain how Loki suffers at the end of the myth.
How does this myth reflect Norse beliefs and values?
Essay question:  How does this Norse legend differ from the Greek myth, Theseus?  Compare the differing views of life the Greek and Norse myths present. 
Plan of attack: 
1. Brainstorm possible answers to the question.
2. Organize your ideas into two or three headings.
3. Gather evidence from the texts to support your ideas. 
4. Outline the body of your essay.  
Homework: Write a rough draft of the body of your essay. 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Do Now:  How does Loki ruin Frigga's plan to save Baldur's life?
 (5 lines 5 minutes)

Classwork: Baldur myth
Review  Frigga's dream, Hogur's horrible mistake and Loki's trickery.

Can Hogur be described as an archetypal hero? Look for evidence from the text that suggests he's got several of the charcteristics.

Loki gets his in the end and is responsible for the natural phenomenon of  thunder.
Homework: Finish the reading questions for this myth tonight. Do not answer the essay question

Monday, October 8, 2012

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Do Now: Take out your SAT vocabulary List. Write a context clue/scenario for two of the words in this list.
Classwork: Norse Mythology
1. Background Information - Handout.
2. Meet Baldur, Hogur, Odin, and Frigga
Baldur's terrible fate: 
The dream and Hodur's part in Baldur's doom.
The plan to counteract the dream.
Loki's interference.
Homework: Finish the myth and answer reading questions.
Write a scenario using 7 of this week's vocabulary words. (group 2)

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Do Now: Select two words from the SAT List: Create a scenario / context clue for each word. Example: If you cut class, don't do homework, and sleep during class, you will _________ your opportunity to pass this class. Answer: ( hamper) We will share these with the class to review for the test.
Test Review - 
Greek Mythology - Informational text
Archetypal Hero - PowerPoint and handout
Theseus - Summary of the eight episodes.
Homework: Study for the test tomorrow!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Wenesday, October 3, 2012

Do Now: Theseus gets what he needs from Ariadne and then leaves her on Naxos. Did Theseus desert Ariadne? Why? Use evidence from the text to support your opinion.
1. What about the sails? Is this an honest mistake or retribution?
2. Theseus, King of Athens: Explain two events that illuminate Greek values.
3. "All you need is a ball of string".
Homework: Study for test on Theseus - Friday. The summary questions on your handout will guide you. SAT Vocabulary Group 1 is also included!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Do Now: School-wide initiative -  Grammar mini lesson. Correct the sentences on the board.
Classwork: Theseus and Ariadne
How does Ariadne save Theseus's life?
What bargain does he make with her?
What's your opinion concerning the controversy?
Theseus and Aegeus 
Black sail/ White sail confusion
Is Theseus responsible for Aegeus's death?
All's well that ends well
Is Theseus an archetypal hero? Why
Homework: Use 7 vocabulary words to create a scenario.

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Monday, October 1, 2012

Do Now: Why does Aegeus want to poison Theseus? What role does Medea play in this? Why?
Classwork: Theseus and the Minotaur: Creating the Archetypal Hero
Meet the Minotaur - summarize his birth, the circumstances of the tribute and the Labyrinth.
How does Theseus become involved in this mess? Why? 
Homework: Finish reading "Theseus Steps Up" section and summarize the plot in your notebook. Focus on Ariadne and the black/white sail issue.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

Do Now: Review your roots and affixes for the test.
Classwork: Test
Theseus and archetypal traits continued.
Homework: Read ahead to meet the Minotaur and the second test for Theseus.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Do now: Quiz -  Roots and affixes

Theseus is re-united with his father: Focus on direct and indirect characterization and plot.
1. The trip to Athens
2. Aegeus's jealousy combined with Medea's duplicity
3. Evidence from the text that supports Theseus as a archetypal hero.
4. Introduction to the quest and the Minotaur.
Homework: Finish reading questions for Part 1.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Do Now: Take out this week's vocabulary handout and your homework. Based on the roots and affixes list, what do you think the following words might mean?
1. polygamist
2. thermodynamics
3. incredible
4. geology
5. circumnavigation
6. benediction

1. We will continue with the character traits of archetypal heroes.
2. The Myth of Theseus: Part 1
Under what conditions was Theseus raised?
What is the first sign that he's going to take the hard road?
Homework: Make sure your reading questions for this section are complete. 

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Do Now: Journal - Who is your favorite hero? Consider sports, movies, politics,etc. What character traits make this person a hero? 5 lines/ 5 minutes
1. SAT Vocabulary List and Roots and Affixes - List 1
Welcome to Greek Mythology!
2. We are focusing today on informational text that provides background.
3.  PowerPoint link: The Archetypal Hero's Nine Traits.
For a copy of the handout click here.

1. Make sure you have annotated the text for background information and The Archetypal Hero.
2. Use the first group of  SAT words to create a scenario that uses at least 7 of the words correctly. Hint: Choose words that have something in common.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Do now: Journal - Who is made to look the most foolish in The Storyteller? What evidence from the text supports your answer.
( 5 lines, 5 minutes)
1. Satire: Saki's purpose in this story is to make fun of a group of people. WHO?
Solving the mystery:
 Who is made to look the most foolish in the story?
What is ironic about Bertha being the one to be killed by a wolf?
What is Bertha a symbol of?
What is the aunt a symbol of?
2. Vocabulary review for tomorrow's test.
Homework: Test tomorrow! Study your margin notes and reading questions. You are responsible for the 10 literary terms as well as vocabulary from the story.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Do Now: (Journal) The Storyteller is a frame story, in which one or more stories are told within each other. Briefly summarize the plot of the aunt's frame story and the bachelor's frame story.
1. Today's Literary Terms: irony, symbolism, theme, author's purpose
2. Critical thinking questions:
What is Saki's purpose in using irony in the bachelor's story?
How does Saki use symbolism and irony to help you to understand the theme of his short story?
This story is a satire. Who or what is Saki ridiculing? 
1. Write a brief paragraph explaining the theme of the bachelor's story. Use evidence from the story to support your choice of theme. 
Test Friday -"The Storyteller" and this week's vocabulary!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Friday, September 14, 2012

Do Now: ( Journal) How much do you remember? 
What is the setting of "The Storyteller"? Describe the character of the children and the aunt. Why does the aunt tell the children a story? What's it about? What do you know about the  bachelor?


1. We return to the railway compartment today to analyze the aunt's story and the children's reaction to it. We'll be looking at plot, imagery, and characterization.
2.  Next, we'll analyze the bachelor's story in terms of the same criteria. How are they alike? How are they different?
3. We'll step outside the frame story to analyze the character of the bachelor and of the aunt.
Make sure your reading questions are answered for these sections using evidence from the text!
Enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Do Now: Take everything off your desks but a pencil/pen and this week's handout.
Classwork: Today is testing. Your task is to show me what you know. Do your best!
Homework: Read the bachelor's story. Why do the children like this story better? ( One paragraph)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Do Now: (Journal) What were your favorite stories as a child? What was it about them that you loved? 5 lines/5 minutes
Classwork: The Storyteller by Saki
 Section 1: 
Analyzing evidence from the text that illuminates setting and characterization.
Using evidence from the text and personal experience to make good inferences.
Section 2:
It's all about indirect characterization and the inferences that can be made.
Section 3: The first frame story.
Evaluate the aunt's story as well as the reactions to it.
1. Finish the reading questions for the first three sections of The Storyteller. ( 20 points)
2. Reminder: Email me by Thursday if you haven't already done so.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Tuesday, September 11. 2012

Do Now: ( Journal Entry) “How has your life changed because of September 11, 2001?”

1. Notebook check 
2. Today we will continue annotating (or marking) the informational text A National Problem.
3. We will begin Saki's The Storyteller included in your handout.
The focus is on vocabulary and setting.
1. Make sure your answers to the reading questions for the first section are complete and include evidence from the text.
2. Remember to open email and email me by tomorrow!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Monday, September 10, 2012

Do Now: (Journal entry) Reading is difficult for many high school students. What problems can result for the student and our country?
 ( 5 lines, 5 minutes  Do not use lower case i to refer to yourself!)
Classwork:  A National Problem
1. This text is on page 1 of your first handout. The handout includes the texts we will study this week. If you misplace the handout, you are responsible for printing another copy. CLICK HERE FOR THE HANDOUT.

2. Today you will learn to annotate or mark the text as you read. Follow directions carefully.
3. Be sure to answer all reading questions using evidence from the text.
1. Open an email account that includes your first and last name. Email me by Thursday. My email address is on your syllabus. ( 50 points )
2. You must have your binder by tomorrow to receive 50 points.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Friday, September 7, 2012

Welcome to 10th grade English Honors!

An exciting and challenging year awaits you.

1. The syllabus: class requirements and procedures.
2. Class websites: 
Our blog keeps you up to date with classwork and assignments as well as links to handouts.
Our wiki is your online portfolio. Each student has a password protected workspace.
3. Your first project: Who Am I Poem - complete the prompts to create an analysis of your character. See the wiki for complete directions. Click here for the assignment.
I am ( 2 special characteristics you have)
I wonder ...
I hear...
I see...
I want...
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

I pretend...
I feel...
I touch...
I worry...
I cry...
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)

I understand...
I say...
I dream...
I try...
I hope
I am (the first line of the poem repeated)
1. Your free verse poem is due Monday by the beginning of class. ( 100 points )
2. You are expected to have a 3 ring binder and pen  by Monday.